Thursday 24 May 2018

Week 5 - Term 2 - 2018

He rau ringa e oti ai

Many hands make light work

Week 5
28 Haratua - 1 Pipiri

11DRA Assessments - Mon 28 - Thurs 31

13BIO Wainui - one class per day - Mon 28 - Fri 1

Anne Frank Exhibition Training -Tues 29

Cross Country - Canterbury Champs - Tues 29

PUM 8.30am - Tues 29, School starts with p3. 
(Non PPTA members to check in with MHL on arrival to school)

New Course Proposals Due to BLS - Thurs 31

Teacher Only Day - Fri 1

Week 6
Pipiri - 8 Pipiri

Queens Birthday - Mon 4

LEF2 and Estimated Credits due this week.

12PED Boyle River Camp - Tues 5 - Fri 8

Year 10 Eng, Lilia Tawara talk - p3 in PAC

Big Sing - Wed 6 - Thurs 7

13BUS Young Enterprise - Thurs 7

UC Classics Day - Year 13 - Fri 8

Rock Quest Heats - Sat 9

Assembly - WED

Full School Assembly - Colours for Sports and Cultural

Assembly - WED

Year 13 Assembly (PAC)

Year 11 Assembly (Gym)


Learning Area - Pedagogical


Learning and Teaching

Information for Staff

1. Teacher Only Day - Outline of the Day

Please be at the staffroom by 8.45 

9am - 10am - Speaker: Janina Konia. Janina is a Mana Whenua Education Facilitator and will be helping us as a school, as well as teachers, consider Culturally Responsive Practice here at CGHS moving forward. This directly links to STP1, and our Strategic Goal 2.4, 2.5 and 3.2.

10.00am - 10.30am - Morning Tea break

10.30 - 11.30am - Grow Waitaha and Positive Education principles. (STP2 and Strategic Goal 2.4, 2.5 and 3.2)

11.30am - 3.00pm - Department Time

The Positive Education component is an opt in choice session, run by our Deans who attended the Positive Education Conference. Please sign up to two sessions that you will be able to attend. Go to the following LINK

2. What is the difference between Teaching as Inquiry and Spiral of Inquiry? If you need a refresher as to what the different types of inquiry are about, there are a number of professional readings that you can refer to. A big reminder is that both of these types of inquiry relate to student outcomes, you need to focus on improvement of the learning and achievement. Therefore if you are using a specific tool for the first time, for example use of OneNote with a class, think about how the inquiry itself will be about how the tool impacts on student learning, as opposed to the teacher's experiences of how the tool works.
As part of the process, take time to talk with others about what you plan to do, as this helps to refine what you would like to achieve.

Check out the following links for clarity:
1. Teaching as Inquiry - a refresher (Education Gazette)
2. Reflective Practice and Inquiry: Let's Talk more about inquiry Earl and Ussher (2016)
3. A framework for transforming learning in schools: Innovation and the spiral of inquiry. Timperley, Kaser and Halbert (2014)
4. Two frameworks for teaching as inquiry - TKI and the NZ Curriculum

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