Thursday 31 May 2018

Week 6 - Term 2 - 2018

Titiro whakamuri, Kokiri whakamua
Look back and reflect, so you can move forward

Week 6
Pipiri - 8 Pipiri

Queens Birthday - Mon 4

LEF2 and Estimated Credits due Wed 6 June at 12.55pm

12PED Boyle River Camp - Tues 5 - Fri 8

Year 10 Eng, Lilia Tawara talk - p3 in PAC

Big Sing - Wed 6 - Thurs 7

13BUS Young Enterprise - Thurs 7

UC Classics Day - Year 13 - Fri 8

Rock Quest Heats - Sat 9

Week 7
11 Pipiri - 15 Pipiri

11/12/13 Music Performance Week

Schools Chamber Music - Wed 13 - Fri 15

Cross Country NZ Champs - Sat 16 - Sun 17

Assembly - WED

Year 13 Assembly (PAC)

Year 11 Assembly (Gym)

Assembly - WED



Learning and Teaching


Staff Meeting - Note Change in Day to Thursday 14

Information for Staff

1. Thank you for your efforts today, a chance to learn new knowledge as well as a chance to reflect on practice. A reminder that Ako feedback sheets will be up in the staffroom for a few more days next week if there is anything else that you would like to add.

2. This week has seen the release of the first discussion document around NCEA review. It is worthwhile read for all secondary teachers as there are quite big changes that have been put into the proposal.
Link to document

If you would like to give feedback on the proposals (Big Opportunities) that have been outlined you can complete either a survey, or a more detailed submission. The links can be found HERE.

3. Ako Teacher Job Description: In term 1, Ako teachers worked with the year level Dean to discuss the expectations of the role of Ako teacher here at CGHS. When compiling the information, there were a lot of similarities bought up between the different year levels. The job description is now available. If there are changes or suggestions, please pass these on to BLS or PWL by the end of week 6 (8 June). Job Description - Final Draft can be found HERE.

4. Thanks to Jason for this weeks little gem - if you would like to look at or manage sound levels in your class - check out

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