Thursday 21 February 2019

Week 5 - Term 1 - 2019

Tohea, ko te tohe i te kai.
Persevere strenuously, like as you do in eating.

Week 5
25 Hui-tanguru -  1 Maehe

Year 9 Parents Evening starting at 6pm - Tues 26

13DVC Architectural Research and Exploration (Year 13 Graphics trip) Thurs 28 - Fri 1

13BUS Dragon's Den - Fri 1

13BUS Kickstart - Fri 1

Tennis SI Champs - Fri 1 - Sun 3

Volleyball SI Champs - Fri 1 - Sun 3

Rowing CSS Regatta - Sat 2 - Sun 3

Volleyball SI Beach Champs - Sat 2 - Sun 3

Multisports SI Champs - Sun 3

Week 6
 4 Maehe - 8 Maehe

12BIO Trip - All Week

Year 11 Art Exhibition - Wigram Airforce Museum - All Week

LEF Reports due this week

11GEO trip - Wed 6 - Fri 8

11ART trip to Wigram Airforce Museum - wed 6

13CHE/13CHM internal - p5 Wed 6

Rowing SISS Champs - Fri 8 - Sun 10

Polyfest Overnight Camp - Fri 8

Triathlon Canterbury Champs - Fri 8

Assembly - WED

Assembly - WED

Year 11 NCEA Assembly - PAC

Year 13 Assembly - Gym


No Meeting due to Year 9 Parent evening

New Teachers - Thurs 14 @3.20


Staff Meeting - Tues
Ten trends 2019 diagramInformation for Staff

1. Core-Ed have released their 10 Trends in Education for 2019
These are:
a. Social mapping
b. Real-time reporting - better connections with the school community
c. Schools as part of a community 
d. Changing role of teachers - the shift in ownership to the learner
e. Micro-credentialing
f. Big data/ small data
g. Economic - around the changing nature of work
f. Understanding success - what does this look like now?
h. Wellbeing
i. Cultural narratives
If you are interested to know more about any of the areas above, then click on the link and you will be able to download the document.

2. Professional Learning and Development Opportunity
The Education Hub have a couple of Professional Learning Opportunities. One is around embedding inquiry into schools, and the other is a Webinar on 'how to use data to support your teaching as inquiry. See for more details.

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