Thursday 7 February 2019

Week 3 - Term 1 - 2019

Mai i te kōpae ki te urupa, tātou ako tonu ai.

From the cradle to the grave, we are forever learning.

Week 3
11 Hui-tanguru - 15 Hui-tanguru

School Photographs - Mon 11 - Tues 12

Defensive Driving Course - Mon 11, 3.20 - 5.20 (Cafe 101)

Year 9 MIDYIS Testing - Thurs 14

Summer Sports Start - Wed 13

Week 4
18 Hui-tanguru - 22 Hui-tanguru

Year 9 Camps - All Week

Rowing NZ Champs - Tues 19 - Sat 23

ARA visit - Tues 19

Equestrian Canterbury Show Jumping - Wed 20

Music Choir Camp - Fri 22 (pm) - Sat 23

Touch Canterbury Champs - Sat 23

Assembly - WED

Nil - all in Ako
Assembly - WED

House Assemblies


Learning and Teaching - Tues 12

New Teachers - Thurs 14 @3.20


Department - Tues 19

New Teachers - Thurs 14 @3.20

Information for Staff

1. Congratulations for everyone for making it through the first week - it was nice to have a break in the middle! It seems our new students are settling in well, and the number of subject changes are slowing down!

2. New Google classroom:

Many of you will have been navigating the new Google classroom. 

Some of the changes most likely to be of interest include:
  • The addition of the classwork page to the stream. On the classwork page you can create topics and then put work underneath them and also easily 'drag and drop' either individual items of work or topics as a whole.  The stream will also show when you have added a new item to the classwork page.  It is likely the stream page will be used for students to see what the teacher has posted most recently, however, the classwork page looks easier to work from and see multiple items of work under.
  • The addition of a comment bank. If you often find yourself writing similar comments, you can now create a comment bank. When you go to write a comment, start by writing # and all of the comments in your bank will show up. If you start to type a keyword, the comments with those keywords will show up.
  • It is now easy to click on the icon next to the course code so it automatically enlarges it to make it easy for students to see if projected to the board.
  • No 'about' page where you used to be able to put class resources. Instead, you will need to click on create and then select material. This will allow you to post to you classwork page some resources you want students to have.

3.Tomorrow Schools Review Report - this has now been released and can be found HERE. If you want to know more about the recommendations that have come out of the review, and are currently out for consultation, as well as the rationale behind 'why' schools need to change then have a read through of the summary document.

4. You may be interested in a couple of tools that have been uploaded onto TKI and have been written by the Ministry of Education. If your learning area is undergoing a review of their curriculum, and what you are offering, the guides have some great questions and ideas to help you get started. See for the different guides.

5. School photos
  • These are on Monday/Tuesday next week. 
  • Please check timetable and let your class know what time their photo is. 
  • Please make your way over for photos 10 minutes prior to the allocated time for your class.
  • Monday 11th February full staff photo 3.15pm in the PAC
  • Staff Individual Photographs any time during Monday and Tuesday. 
  • All new staff must have a photo taken (and if you would like to change last years, or did not have a photo taken last year)

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