Thursday 2 May 2019

Week 2 - Term 2 - 2019

Te amorangi ki mua, te hapai o ki muri
The leader at the front is backed by the workers behind

Week 2
6 Haratua - 10 Haratua

Otago University Open Day - Mon 6

13GEO Camp - Leaving after school on Tues 7 - Fri 10

NCEA Parents Evening - Tues 7

Year 12 and 13 Careers Evening - Wed 8

Careers Expo - Horncastle Arena - Thurs 9 - Sat 11 May

Athletics Canterbury Road Race - Thurs 9 May

Basketball Starts - Fri 10 May

Week 3
13 Haratua - 17 Haratua

LEF Reports Due this week

Late Start - Tues 14

Lifesaving Exam 8.30am - 12pm - Wed 15

Winter Sports Start - Wed 15

Music Concert (Evening) - Thurs 16

National Support Staff Day - Thurs 16

School Cross Country - Thurs 16

Pink T-Shirt Day - Fri 17

Rockquest heats - Sat 18

Assembly - WED

Year 9 - PAC

Assembly - WED

Full School - Prefect Assembly

Learning and Teaching Meeting - Tues 7


Learning Area - Tues 14

Information for Staff

1. Earlier this year, school's were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding whether they were digitally ready for examinations. The results of this survey have been shared.
If you would like to see at a glance what NZQA will be offering this year and particularly what will be new or improved then you may be interested in looking at the summary document they have produced. 
The second document is a summary which gives a national overview from the online survey about NCEA Online School Readiness.

2. #Kia ora Challenge - Reminder that we have been challenged to use kia ora in:
a. emails, texts, facebook messages
b. answering phone
3. kanohi ki te knaohi - face to face

3. Keeping with the same theme, we recommend that you watch the video below "10 ways to teach me". Great student voice on different strategies to use in the classroom.

“10 ways to teach me” – Brigham Riwai-Couch from Evaluation Associates Ltd. on Vimeo.

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