Sunday 14 April 2019

Week 1 - Term 2 - 2019

Na te waewae i kimi.
Obtained by seeking

Week 1
28 Āperira - 3 Haratua

Chemistry Week (International Year of the Periodic Table) - All Week

Year 11 Careers interviews begin

10SOC visits to the Antarctic Centre - Tues 30 - Fri 3

Gateway work placements begin - Thurs 2

Week 2
6 Haratua - 10 Haratua

Otago University Open Day - Mon 6

13GEO Camp - Leaving after school on Tues 7 - Fri 10

NCEA Parents Evening - Tues 7

Year 12 and 13 Careers Evening - Wed 8

Careers Expo - Horncastle Arena - Thurs 9 - Sat 11 May

Athletics Canterbury Road Race - Thurs 9 May

Basketball Starts - Fri 10 May

Assembly - WED


Assembly - WED

Year 9 - PAC


Staff Meeting - Tues 29


Learning and Teaching Meeting - Tues 7

Information for Staff

1. Welcome back to everyone for Term 2 and you have managed to have a restful break.
At our staff meeting near the end of the term, Teachers were asked to think about what 'Culturally Responsive Practice' looks like here at our school. The diagram below provides a summary of our thoughts.

TKI has a section on effective teaching and learning specifically linked to Te ako i te reo Māori. The characteristics describing effective practice, are characteristics that can be part of any classroom.
For our first staff meeting back in Term 2, we have now confirmed Anton Mathews to come in and work with staff around the use of Te reo and Cultural Competency. Some of you may have heard of Anton from the work he is doing around Christchurch currently on increasing the use of Te reo in the community, as well as his restaurant 'Fush' out at Wigram.

2. Our full school assembly has been moved into week 3 - this will be a Prefect run assembly.

3. Our next late start, which is linked to our Teaching as Inquiry this year will be in week 3. Please have your inquiry question sorted by then and fill out the Google form 
This session will be around the theme of 'Explore' and the idea of what is the best data to use and when.
A couple of interesting background reading resources before this session around the use of 'Big Data vs Small Data', based on the work of Pasi Sahlberg gives some background on types of data we may use in our classroom. Derek Wenmoth has written a summary blog and also included it as one of his top 10 trends in Education for 2019.

4. 'Teacher support reduces girls' disengagement in High School' - a quick read found in the Australian teacher magazine. Very relevant to our context. 

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