Thursday 27 February 2020

Week 6 - Term 1 - 2020

Alofa atu nei, alofa mai taeao
Kindness received, kindness given

Week 6
2 Maehe - 6 Maehe

12BIO - Temple Basin - All week

CGHS V CBHS Dodge ball - Mon 2

LEF Reports due this week - Wed 4 @ 9am

Whanau Hui - Tues 3 @ 6pm

Volleyball - SI Champs - Fri 6 - Sun 8

Auckland Uni Visit - Lunchtime - Fri 6
Week 7
9 Maehe - 13 Maehe

11GEO Queenstown field trip - Mon 9 - Wed 11

Victoria Uni visit - Lunchtime - Mon 9

10ART - Museum - Tues 10

13DRA - Court Theatre - Tues 10

Whitebait media in meeting with some Yr 9's - Tues 10

Gateway health & Safety - Wed 11

Peer Support - Wed 11 p4

Rowing SISS Champs - Thurs 12 - Sun 15

CGHS Swimming sports Thurs 12 (9-11am)

Year 13 History Speaker - Thurs 12 p4

Polyfest - Sat 14


Wednesday -  Year 13 NCEA Assembly (PAC)
Year 10 Year level - Gym

Friday - Athletics Sports and Trophies

Assembly - 

Wednesday -  No Assemblies - all classes in Ako

Friday - March 15 Commemoration




Learning & Teaching

Information for Staff

1. Thank you for your feedback on how you would like the PLG groups set up for our late starts this year. The majority of staff have stated that they would like one theme to work on throughout the year.
The most common areas that you have identified wanting to work with are:

  • Māori succeeding as Māori
  • Pacific Learners
  • Cross curricular collaboration
  • Accelerated Learning
  • Wellbeing 
  • Leadership
Now that we have established the common themes - please fill in the sign up sheet.

2. It may be only halfway through Term 1 but.......

3. This year we have been given funding to be part of the Accelerated Literacy and Numeracy programs. A couple of resources have started to filter through, the first is a great read, with tips on different strategies to use in your classrooms/programs for those students who are requiring extra support: "Learning in the fast lane" (2014) by  Suzi Rollins. 

4. Polyfest - to add to your diary!

Thursday 20 February 2020

Week 5 - Term 1 - 2020

Ka Mate kāinga tahi,
ka ora kāinga rua
There is more than one way 
to achieve an objective

Week 5
24 Pēpuere - 28 Pēpuere

University of Canterbury visit - Mon 24

Athletics Sports - Tues 25

Year 9/10 Plunket Babysitting cert - Tues 25 and Thurs 27 after school

Equestrian - Canterbury Show Jumping - Wed 26

Peer Support (p3) Wed 26

13BUS Regional Enterprise Day - Thurs 27

13GRA Field trip - Thurs 27

Rowing Camp - Fri 28 - Sun 1

Polyfest Camp - Fri 28

Staff start of year function - Fri 28

Tennis - SI champs - Sat 29 - Sun 1

SI Multisport champs - Sun 1
Week 6
2 Maehe - 6 Maehe

12BIO - Temple Basin - All week

CGHS V CBHS Dodge ball - Mon 2

LEF Reports due this week.

Whanau Hui - Tues 3 @ 6pm

Volleyball - SI Champs - Fri 6 - Sun 8

Auckland Uni Visit - Lunchtime - Fri 6


Wednesday -  Year 12 NCEA Assembly (GYM)

Year 13 Assembly - PAC (guest speaker)

Friday - Prefect Assembly

Assembly - 

Wednesday -  Year 13 NCEA Assembly (PAC)
Year 10 Year level - Gym

Friday - Athletics Sports and Trophies


No Meeting due to Athletics sports.



Information for Staff:

1. An email from NZQA:

"The Government has now confirmed the final NCEA change package which will strengthen our national qualification; address over-assessment and fragmented learning; promote culturally responsive teaching and learning; and improve accessibility, the support available to teachers, and the information available to students and whānau. See today’s press release from the Ministry.

Work has already begun to progress the changes. Subject expert groups comprised of practising teachers and experts from diverse education settings have been established for current subjects. These groups will be developing the new achievement standards and resources that underpin NCEA. In doing so, they will help us to shape the future of our school-leaving qualification, so that it works for all New Zealanders.

We are also asking all New Zealanders for feedback on a provisional subject list which will support Level 1 to become a broader, foundational qualification that allows students to keep their pathway options open, while Levels 2 and 3 promote opportunities for greater specialisation.

It would be appreciated if you could share the following link with your staff members, students and school community to encourage them to have their say on the provisional subject list by 20 April 2020

If you have any questions about this work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via"

2. Nice little info graphic from the Ministry of Education - A student in Year 11 who attends school every day has about a 90% chance of achieving NCEA Level 1. This drops to a 1-in-5 chance if they only turn up at school half of the time.

3. Humans Need not apply:
Perhaps something to show your students in Ako time - Get them to think about where new jobs are emerging and what skills they might need in order to access these new jobs.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Week 4 - Term 1 - 2020

Aroha ki te tangata,
Ahakoa ko wai te tangata

Love people,
in spite of who they are

Week 4
17 Pēpuere - 21 Pēpuere

ERO  - All week

11Art Exhibition @Wigram - All week

Rowing - CSS Regatta - Mon 17 - Wed 19

Year 9 Camps - All week

Lincoln Uni visit - Lunchtime - Tues 18

Summer Sport Starts - Wed 19
Week 5
24 Pēpuere - 28 Pēpuere

University of Canterbury visit - Mon 24

Athletics Sports - Tues 25

Year 9/10 Plunket Babysitting cert - Tues 25 and Thurs 27 after school

Equestrian - Canterbury Show Jumping - Wed 26

Peer Support (p3) Wed 26

13BUS Regional Enterprise Day - Thurs 27

13GRA Field trip - Thurs 27

Rowing Camp - Fri 28 - Sun 1

Polyfest Camp - Fri 28

Staff start of year function - Fri 28

Tennis - SI champs - Sat 29 - Sun 1

SI Multisport champs - Sun 1

Wednesday -  Yr 11 NCEA Assembly (PAC)

Friday - House Assemblies

Assembly - 

Wednesday -  Year 12 NCEA Assembly (GYM)

Year 13 Assembly - PAC (guest speaker)

Friday - Prefect Assembly


Staff Meeting - 3 ERO Groups
Pastoral - (Board Room)
HOLAs (S4) 
and rest of teaching and support staff (staffroom)


No Meeting due to Athletics sports.

Information for Staff:

1. NCEA Online for 2020
Around two-thirds of exams will be offered digitally this year, comprising 58 exam sessions and 21 subjects at Levels 1, 2 & 3 unless otherwise stated.  The full list is:

Art History
Business Studies
Classical Studies
Education for Sustainability (L2 only)

Home Economics
Latin (L1 & 2 only)

Media Studies

Social Studies
Te Reo Māori
Te Reo Rangatira

2. Teacher survey on the 2019 exams
The annual teacher survey seeking feedback on the 2019 exams can be found at the bottom of the Schools and Teachers webpage.

Or, click here for the NCEA survey and here for the Scholarship Award survey.

The survey closes on 21 February.

Teachers are encouraged to respond to these surveys, either as an individual or as a group.
Feedback from the teacher surveys is highly valued by NZQA.

3. On request’ Best Practice workshops
Based on the success of the ‘on request’ model, NZQA are continuing to offer facilitators to subject associations or regional cluster groups. This allows workshop organisers to ask for targeted support for their participants. More information about the different options may be found here.
If you have any questions, please email
Last year CGHS hosted a hui for Canterbury Te reo Māori teachers, so please see BLS if you think this could be of use for your Learning Area.

4. Focus on the future - Skills or qualifications? You may be interested in this short article - One hundred of our largest and most successful companies have written an open letter asking the government to rethink our education system, arguing that degrees don’t matter as much as skills, attitudes, motivation and the adaptability of job applicants