Thursday 20 February 2020

Week 5 - Term 1 - 2020

Ka Mate kāinga tahi,
ka ora kāinga rua
There is more than one way 
to achieve an objective

Week 5
24 Pēpuere - 28 Pēpuere

University of Canterbury visit - Mon 24

Athletics Sports - Tues 25

Year 9/10 Plunket Babysitting cert - Tues 25 and Thurs 27 after school

Equestrian - Canterbury Show Jumping - Wed 26

Peer Support (p3) Wed 26

13BUS Regional Enterprise Day - Thurs 27

13GRA Field trip - Thurs 27

Rowing Camp - Fri 28 - Sun 1

Polyfest Camp - Fri 28

Staff start of year function - Fri 28

Tennis - SI champs - Sat 29 - Sun 1

SI Multisport champs - Sun 1
Week 6
2 Maehe - 6 Maehe

12BIO - Temple Basin - All week

CGHS V CBHS Dodge ball - Mon 2

LEF Reports due this week.

Whanau Hui - Tues 3 @ 6pm

Volleyball - SI Champs - Fri 6 - Sun 8

Auckland Uni Visit - Lunchtime - Fri 6


Wednesday -  Year 12 NCEA Assembly (GYM)

Year 13 Assembly - PAC (guest speaker)

Friday - Prefect Assembly

Assembly - 

Wednesday -  Year 13 NCEA Assembly (PAC)
Year 10 Year level - Gym

Friday - Athletics Sports and Trophies


No Meeting due to Athletics sports.



Information for Staff:

1. An email from NZQA:

"The Government has now confirmed the final NCEA change package which will strengthen our national qualification; address over-assessment and fragmented learning; promote culturally responsive teaching and learning; and improve accessibility, the support available to teachers, and the information available to students and whānau. See today’s press release from the Ministry.

Work has already begun to progress the changes. Subject expert groups comprised of practising teachers and experts from diverse education settings have been established for current subjects. These groups will be developing the new achievement standards and resources that underpin NCEA. In doing so, they will help us to shape the future of our school-leaving qualification, so that it works for all New Zealanders.

We are also asking all New Zealanders for feedback on a provisional subject list which will support Level 1 to become a broader, foundational qualification that allows students to keep their pathway options open, while Levels 2 and 3 promote opportunities for greater specialisation.

It would be appreciated if you could share the following link with your staff members, students and school community to encourage them to have their say on the provisional subject list by 20 April 2020

If you have any questions about this work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via"

2. Nice little info graphic from the Ministry of Education - A student in Year 11 who attends school every day has about a 90% chance of achieving NCEA Level 1. This drops to a 1-in-5 chance if they only turn up at school half of the time.

3. Humans Need not apply:
Perhaps something to show your students in Ako time - Get them to think about where new jobs are emerging and what skills they might need in order to access these new jobs.

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