Thursday 23 April 2020

Week 3 - Term 2 - 2020

He tina ki runga, he tāmore ki raro
In order to flourish above, one must be firmly rooted below

Week 3
27 Āperira - 1 Haratua

Anzac Day Observed - Mon 27

TOD - Tues 28 - no online meets with students - time for them to catch up on work.

Staff able to access CGHS for resources (see doc for sign up) - Tues 28

Week 4
Haratua - 8 Haratua

Emergency Remote Teaching Continues.


Meet with Ako Class Virtually - Wed 29               

Meet with Ako Class Virtually - Wed 


HOD and HOLA - 1pm Tues 28

Dept - 2pm Tues 28 (if required)


Information for staff

1. Whew - we have come to the end of our first full week of 'Emergency remote teaching'. I use this phrase deliberately, as even though the terms of 'online learning' are used everywhere, it actually takes a long time to try different things online, find out what is working best and find the balance with what works for you as the teacher, and what works for our learners.  Earlier this year, I shared with you the diagram below, and the reality could not be more true!

On Tuesday, we had a Learning and Teaching meeting, and HOLAs/HODs were asked to let us know 'what is on top/ working well' and feedback any concerns/ issues or questions.
The following was provided as feedback:
The L&T team expressed how well staff had collaborated to share ideas and resources, how many had embraced and engaged with PLD in a very short space of time, how staff were willing to give things a go and embrace the current normal - which means doing the best you can with the current circumstances. They also expressed a gratitude for the many collegial conversations.
Feedback regarding issues were around staff working with young families, and how this is a juggle, an increase in workload, number of emails, behaviour issues that are creeping in online, establishing routines, working out best practices, the nocturnal rhythms of the teenager.
This has bought to mind the 'implementation dip', the time where we are all working out what the right balance is for both us as teachers, as well as the needs of our students.

Feedback from students - is overwhelmingly about the 'amount of work'. It is not the face to face check ins, but if an online meet takes a whole hour, it is the work that is then set after this. A chunk of learning, that takes 1 hour of class time under normal circumstances needs to be thought of as now taking 2 hours in our 'emergency teaching phase'. We cannot stress enough to be flexible, you do not need to stick to the same number of standards or time frames. Think about what can be taken out, trimmed down and changed. Not only will this reduce the workload for the teacher, but also the workload for the students.

2. Adding to our tool kit - have a look at the following:
a. NOD Chrome extension - this extension adds emoticons to your Google Meet so students can raise their hand & other emojis. For it to be fully useful, all users in a meet would need to have this extension installed. I will send this out to the students today to add it if they can.

To install - go to

b. Meet Attendance Chrome extension 
If you are like me and taking attendance at the beginning of your meet, this extension creates a google spreadsheet that automatically takes the roll of attendees in a meet at any given time when you access the attendees list. 

To install go to:

c. After marking an NCEA question the other day, I was reminded of a tool to add voice comments in google doc. To speed up your marking, you should install the Mote Chrome extension. Once installed (and page refreshed), you are able to add voice notes in comments for feedback on student work and a voice comment on your Classroom stream, it also transcribes what you have said. 
You will need to up with your School google account. Instructions can be found at -  

To install go to:

3. If you have time, the video below was sent from a recorded webinar on Facilitating online meetings.

Enabling E-learning event- Facilitating online meetings from a distance from CORE Ministry Video on Vimeo.

4. You can also sign up for the webinar below which is on Tuesday 28 April.
You are invited to join Professor Stuart Kime to discuss the role of assessment in teaching and learning with a particular focus on how teachers can approach assessment during this period of distance learning.
The webinar will include a number of practical strategies for how teachers can enhance their assessment practice and embed effective assessment into their day-to-day teaching.
Please join us for this FREE webinar for school teachers. As always, there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions. 
Ngā mihi nui,

Dr Nina Hood – The Education Hub Founder

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