Monday 6 April 2020

Week 1 - Term 2 - 2020

Ka pakeke te haere, kaua e hemo 
When things are difficult, don't give up

Week 1
13 Āperira - 17 Āperira

Easter - Mon 13 - Tues 14

Term 2 Begins - Wed 15 for online Learning

Week 2
20 Āperira - 24 Āperira


Meet with Ako Class Virtually - Wed 15                  

Meet with Ako Class Virtually - Wed 22


Virtual PLD Session - Sharing Best Practice with online Learning - Tues 14 @ 11am

Information for Staff

1. Google Meet - A number of you have been using Google Meet for your online video calls. If you are, please go and add the extension called 'Grid View', this makes the meet feel more like Zoom, and you can see all of your class at once - add the extension by clicking HERE
For more information and to find out how to use it go to

Other information regarding Google Meet can be found at

2. If you have yet to run any face to face (F2F) meetings using a Google meet, read through the tips for online meetings -

3. Online Teaching and Learning - Some guidelines:

a. We will be maintaining the school timetable - only schedule your face to face meetings in the 'lessons' when you would normally see them. For seniors, you should be planning to meet 2x per week - this does not have to be for a full hour. Even if you are running an extended program, there still needs to be a twice a week check in, so students can ask questions, you can give verbal feedback on where students should be at.
For junior subjects where you see them less, this can be once a week. Make sure that this is the same time each week and let them know when this will be. 
You will need to send out a link to the meetings for them to join. In the flipped lesson, this is when you might give written feedback, check work completion, have videos of worked examples posted etc. Just a reminder that work should be up by 10.30am each day. The flipped lesson can be asynchronous, and both you and your students can be working on this at different times.

b. You need to be using a platform to send out work - this will be either through OneNote or Google classroom. Sending out multiple emails a day is not working for some of our students. Now is the time to get on board, contact Jacky ( if you need help. Jacky has also provided access to a Google Audit document, you may want to have a look and remind yourself regarding what you do know and find out what you don't.

c. Strongly encourage your students to ask their classmates if they can’t find something/do something/have a question by using the Classroom stream. This requires training - you might need to direct them to the classroom stream if they keep emailing you with general questions. If you can do this you will save a lot of time. 

d. Continue to be culturally responsive online - think about what you are putting up on your platform and how we continue to be inclusive of all our learners.

See the full summary below... (click here to see larger image)

Also made a little video.......

4. PLD from Core-Ed - they have just released their PLD schedule for the remainder of the year. Their PLD has gone online and you are able to register to attend the Webinars. If there is something that you think is worthwhile, please apply for PLD in the usual way so course costs can be covered.

5. The Virtual Learning Network (VLN) also have a number of free webinars - one that could be of interest is called - Developing online programmes of learning for diverse learners - you can register HERE.

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