Thursday 26 March 2020

Term 1 Break - 2020

Mai i te kōpae ki te urupa, tātou ako tonu ai.
From the cradle to the grave we are forever learning.

Information for Staff

1. No Calendar of Events for the next two weeks. This weeks whakatauki represents us all as we are quickly upskilling on tools to engage our learners in this new world of online learning.

2. Reflecting on our school values at this time
a. Whanaungatanga - Checking in with staff, students and whanau. Staying connected using technology is going to be important for everyone’s well-being. It appears that Google Meet and Zoom have become the new norm.
b. Manaakitanga Making use of student and teacher strengths. Lots of great collaboration happening across the school. A few of our wonderful Prefect team have shown this already with a joint collaboration where they have created a Google site There are a number of our ex-CGHS students who are also willing to help out as well with tutoring. This is a great initiative. For those who might be struggling with any internals or content, please ask them to sign up for help. 
c. Aroha - empathy and concern for others has been evident, lots of great communication with our parents/caregivers/whanau, students and staff - and also nice to have email replies from our community showing their appreciation for all that you are doing!
d. Rangitiritanga - these are challenging times, and we should all be proud of how we are adjusting to this new normal for the next 4 weeks (hopefully only 4....)

3. Many of us have had our inbox inundated with links to great sharing of resources, upgrading access etc. The Mindlab have also created a site to help teacher's come to grips with distance learning. Click on the picture below to explore the resources.

4. Online assessment - Have found a couple of great diagrams/pictures that you might find useful.

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