Thursday 21 May 2020

Week 7 - term 2 - 2020

Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini
We cannot succeed without the support of those around us

Week 7
25 Haratua - 29 Haratua

Easter Charities Mufti Day - Fri 29

Estimated Credits due - Wed 27 @9.30

Week 8
1 Pipiri - 5 Pipiri

Queens Birthday - Mon 1


Ako Class - Wed 27

Year 13 Academic Assembly  

Ako Class - Wed 27


Staff Meeting


Staff Meeting

Information for Staff

1. Just for planning purposes as we are moving forward, we will not be having the TOD on 8 June as Marg Thorsborne is not able to travel over from Australia. We will look at a possible postponement date for Term 3. Also currently removed from the Term 2 calendar due to gathering restrictions are Lip Sync - we are looking at alternatives ways of making sure this happens so watch this space, and the Year 12's have been told that their formal will not be on this term (it was scheduled for June). We currently have a new date set for September 26 if the size of gatherings increases. We will continue to make adjustments where and if possible.

2. Restore
The link provides access to a resource called RESTORE (Recognition, Empathy, Safety, Trauma, Opportunity, Relationships, Engagement). The document is a collaborative summary of work compiled by a professional group to help schools implement and embed a restorative approach. The document is divided into themes, with the first four terms (R, E, S and T) linked to our current teaching and learning situation and the last three letters (O, R and E) linked to going forward.

3. How China is using Artificial Intelligence in the classroom - this is an interesting take on classroom engagement. I was particularly interested in the comment that students are being 'forced to concentrate' and this is seen as an advantage of wearing an AI headband in order to check that you are off task? 


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