Thursday 28 May 2020

Week 8 - Term 2 - 2020

He iti te mokoroa, nāna i kati te kahikatea 

The mokoroa (grub) may be small, but it cuts through the Kahikatea 

This whakatauki reflects that small things can have a great impact. It encourages us to think big. Although numbers or resources may be small, like the mokoroa, it is possible to achieve great tasks/achievements.

Week 8

1 Pipiri - 5 Pipiri

Queens Birthday - Mon 1

Week 9

8 Pipiri - 12 Pipiri

StEADA meetings - Tues 9 - Wed 10

LEF Reports due this week


Year 9 Assembly - PAC

Year 11 Assembly - Gym


Year 10 Assembly - PAC


Staff Meeting - Ed Brief Discussion Groups


L & T Meeting

Information for Staff

1. Online Hui Opportunities
There continue to be a number of online hui with educators from around New Zealand, you may be interested in these 2 which are available to register for next week.

b. Thursday June 4  3:30 - 4:30 pm Leaders Connect

2. Useful Articles + Staff Meeting summary

The following articles may also be useful to continue conversations with colleagues as we begin to explore ideas for teaching and learning moving forward.
The recent staff meeting was a chance to reflect on our experience of teaching and learning in the online environment. Distance learning came quicker that we expected, it's a chance to be open and receptive to what we can learn from the experience and think about what we could do more of as well as expose the inequities in our current school system.

Possible further reflective questions to consider:
  • What have you discovered about yourself and your students because of the online teaching environment?
  • How can these discoveries lead to future positive outcomes?
  • What will you keep doing?
  • What will you start doing?
  • What will you stop doing?
  • How can we remain relevant and responsive to the needs of our students as the world continues to change?
There was some feedback re the idea that this becomes a set direction for the school. You can rest assured this is not the case, it is a tool that can help with facilitating discussions moving forward.

The summary reflection document from our staff meeting can be found HERE.

a. An article by Aigagalefili Fepulea'i Tapua'i, head girl of Aorere College.  From the NZ Herald and is very powerful and a chance to think about equity.

b. From the latest Latitude Magazine The COVID experience: Will in change schooling forever?
This article was written by Chris Jansen and Cheryl Doig. It is the fourth in a series on secondary schooling and is particularly written with parents/community as the audience. Chris will be coming in to work with staff on June 23 as we continue to explore change that aligns with our school vision. This is a great thought provoking read.

c. A blogpost by Cheryl Doig focused on Digital Equity, set in 2025.

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary ...

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