Thursday 4 June 2020

Week 9 - Term 2 - 2020

He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai

If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive

Week 9
8 Pipiri - 12 Pipiri

StEADA meetings - Tues 9 - Wed 10

LEF Reports due this week

Week 10
5 Pipiri - 18 Pipiri

Jane Austin Essay Competition - Thurs 18


Year 10 Assembly - PAC

Year 13 Assembly - PAC


L & T Meeting


Department Meeting

Information for Staff

1. NZQA have put up the link for examination markers - go to

2. If you missed the webinar on Tuesday for 'Lessons from lock-down - rethinking business as usual at Secondary school', where Claire Amos and Louise Addison talked about the changes that have been implemented in schools - the recording can be found HERE

3. NZCER have made their latest SET magazine with online articles freely available this month - there are a number of articles linked to wellbeing, digital learning, languages and more.

4. Over the last couple of months I have been given the opportunity to engage with educationalists, both in New Zealand and from overseas. One of these was a webinar on 'The Education Revolution', and one of the participants raised the question around 'why still have schools' as we were in the midst of teaching online.
The presenter was Shai Reshef who is the founder for University of the People. This is an accredited University with over 31000 students attending from across the world and who all attend online. The premise, is that the University is free, and students teach and learn off each other at no cost.
There is no need to charge fees when you do not have buildings, and you are not paying the Universities for their research component. They have small classes of 20 - 30 students where each week they are to post one original response to a question and respond to 3 other posts. You either participate or fail.
To hear more about it - you can listen to his Ted Talk below.


So Why School? This university model would require high motivation, self-discipline and a whole lot of student support. Students do need to force themselves to study and online learning does not work with lectures only.

But perhaps the real reason can be summed up by our Year 9 student responses when they were asked about what is the best thing about attending CGHS - resoundingly it is about relationships and connections! (Also great to see the canteen now making a comeback)

The second set of responses was in response to the question around what they thought should be a key focus if the year was 2035 at CGHS and what would be important for learning.

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