Thursday 18 June 2020

Week 11 - Term 2 - 2020

Pai tū
Pai hinga
Nāwai rā
Ka oti

Good to stand
Good to fall
Continue on and eventually the work is completed

Week 10
22 Pipiri - 26 Pipiri

Late Start - Fri 26

Week 12
29 Pipiri - 3 Hōngongoi

Parent Teacher interviews - Tues 30 and all Day - Fri 3

LEFs due this week

End of Term 2!


Year 12 Assembly - PAC
Year 11 Assembly - Gym

Full School Assembly will resume on Friday 26

Year 10 Assembly - PAC
Year 9 Assembly - Gym


Staff Meeting


Nil - due to parent/teacher interviews

Information for Staff

1. Late Start information: Next Friday 26, our late start PLG groups will finally meet for the year.
A few staff have got back to me regarding changes due to a change in focus.
Rooms are:
  • Cross Curricular and Authentic Curriculum - 217
  • Innovation and Leadership - A202
  • Māori Succeeding as Māori - TRP
  • Pasific Learners - 104
  • Wellbeing - S2
All groups will be carrying out the same activity, but with a different focus depending on the group
they are in.

2.Learn programming with the department of Fun stuff at UC - 3 day course for anyone who may be interested. See HERE for details.

3. On Wednesday, the year 13's were also asked the same questions regarding what they thought the best thing about attending CGHS as well as what they through was important for learning in the future. The responses were quite similar to the year 9's. These are great discussion points moving forward and will be helpful when we start looking at the development of our graduate profiles.

4. And something that came from Julia FDJ ..... perhaps how some of us may be feeling at the moment - thank you Julia - it made me smile!

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