Thursday 12 August 2021

Week 4 - Term 3 - 2021

 "Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, Ki te kāpuia e kore e whati"

"When the reeds stand alone they are vulnerable, but bound together they are unbreakable"

Kīngi Tāwhiao

Week 4 
16 Ākuhata  - 20 Ākuhata 

Ara Course Planning - Mon 16

Subject Choice Afternoon - 2pm - Mon 16

AUT Course Planning - Tues 17

ICAS English p3 - Tues 17

Otago Uni Course Planning - Tues 17

Last day for Wednesday winter sport - Wed 18

Auckland University Course planning - Thurs 19

STA201 Assessment 12 - 3.40pm - Thurs 19

Last day of basketball - Fri 20

Massey Wellington and Victoria Open Day - Fri 20

Week 5
23 Ākuhata  - 27 Ākuhata 

Book Week - Theme Scary - All Week

Cadenza - Mon 23

11DRA Production - Tues 24 - Thurs 26

Non-Uniform Day - Tues 24

13TOU Trip - Mt Cook - Wed 25 - Fri 27

Subject Selection closes - Wed 25

Big Sing Nationals - Thurs 26 - Sat 28

International Student Ski Day - Fri 27

Loves Me Not Year 12 - Fri 27

Basketball - Junior SS Tournament - Sat 28 - Sun 29

Cycling - Southern School 2 Day Tour - Sat 28 - Sun 29

Assembly - 

Wed -  Year 9 (PAC)
Year 11 (Gym)

Friday - SAGA and Wellbeing

Assembly - 

Wed -  Year 10 Camp Info - PAC

Friday - Service Awards/ certificates/ Book week


Staff Meeting


Learning Area Meeting

Information for Staff

1. At the recent National AP, DP conference one of the key note speakers was Alex Hotere-Barnes - “Te tiriti o Waitangi and Schooling: A collective responsibility”
One of the videos that he showed during his talk was from a series called 'Land of the Long White Cloud' called Inheriting Privilege. Very thought provoking and something everyone should watch as we move through our Culturally Responsive PLD.
Further episodes in the series can be found HERE.

As we move into our planning for Level 1 - we have been challenged to 'be curious about new ideas and practices and let go of harmful patterns" that we might currently be holding. There are legitimate Māori and Western perspectives and we are not culturally neutral.

When planning new units to include Mātauranga Māori we need to consider the following:
  • What we know already.
  • How did we come to know it?
  • Why we believe or reject it?
  • What are the values behind our teaching practice?
  • What and why (and what) do we change?
  • Is the Mātauranga Māori deep and meaningful in its implementation?
  • Can all of our learners see themselves in the teaching and learning of the standards - that goes beyond the assessment?
  • Does the course outline you develop support teaching through diverse perspectives, knowledges and methodologies?
2. An updated re Level 1 - things you may or may not know....

Non exam externals:

Designed to reflect a small volume of evidence - level 1 - 750 - 800 words max.

Internal assessment - is designed to be a sample of learning, not assess a whole topic.

Assessment is not the learning - it is not meant to be as onerous as we are currently making assessment.

Conscious of timing of when the assessment is due - get pushed to the end of T3 currently and they would like to avoid all assessments for all subjects being due at the same time.

Non exam of externals, if you are wondering why - it is about equity! 

Some possible forms of external assessment

Exam - traditional exam, open book exam, digital exam, decision based exam

CAA- task and stimulus material that may be given in advance

Portfolios - outcome portfolio, creative portfolio, diary writing or reflective journals

Reports - structured report

Levels 2 and 3 - courses will be more specialised - and are likely to have more exam based subjects, rather than level 1. The release of this information will not be available till Term 3 in 2022.

External results will all be released in January - so if non exam external in T2, then students won't get their results till later.

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