Thursday 23 February 2023

Week 5 - Term 1 - 2023

 Ahakoa he iti kete, he iti nā te aroha

It is the thought that counts

Week 5
27 Huitanguru - 3 Poutū-te-rangi

DRA201 and DRA301 to Court Theatre - Mon27

New Staff walk through p1&2 - Tues 28

TOU301 FT to Willowbank - Thurs 2

International Student Parents afternoon - Thurs 2 p5

Ugly Shakespeare Year 9 p5 on Thurs 2

Volleyball - SI Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

PED301 - Les Mills p1 Fri 3

Lockdown assembly p2 - Fri 3 (Whole school)

Lockdown Exercise - p3 - Fri 

Victoria University Visit for Year 12 - 13 - Fri 2

Week 6
6 Poutū-te-rangi - 10 Poutū-te-rangi

BIO201 FT to Temple Basin - Group 1 (Mon 6 - Wed 8) and Group 2 (Wed 8 - Fri 10)

UC Visit for Year 13 - Mon 6

Peer Support - p5 Tues 7

UC Visit for Yr 12 - Tues 7

GEO201 FT to Cass - Wed 8 - Fri 10

Year 9 camps 2 and 3 - Wed 8 - Thurs 9 and Fri 10

PED301 - Les Mills p1 - Thurs 9

Rowing SISS - Thurs 9 - Sun 12

Puhoro Wananga - Thurs 9

Swimming - CGHS swimming sports - Thurs 9 (pm)

Assembly - 

Mon 27 - Year 9 - PAC and Year 11 in Gym

Wed 1 - House fun in the Gym

Assembly - 

Mon 6 - Year 13 NCEA Assembly

Wed 8 - Aroha Team (International Woman's Day)

TWH and Junior HODs - Mon 27
Learning Area - Tues 28


Staff - Tues 7
Information for Staff
1. Survey Result feedback: Thank you to everyone who has completed the recent survey and provided feedback. There will be a full feedback presentation at a staff meeting (either later this term, or early term 2), here are a couple of snippets and updates until SLT has had a chance to unpack some of the feedback further.
a. In response to the query around the survey itself, this is a broad brush stroke survey, with correlates answers with both student and whānau responses. There is a next step part of the process, which is to unpack the feedback and through a couple of small focus groups.
b. We can celebrate a significant change from 3 years ago, around our school values

These are more visible around our school and in our classrooms and, as shown by the latest survey results are known not just at school, but also within our school community.
I have included the snapshot of student responses between the 2020, 2022 and 2023 survey and how students responded, the 8 below all show an increase towards the positive.


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