Wednesday 31 May 2023

Week 7 - Term 2 - 2023

 Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini

My achievements are not mine alone, but those of many

Week 7
5 Pipiri - 9 Pipiri

King's Birthday - Mon 5

Spirit of Adventure trophy - Tues 6 - Sun 11

Police Careers Talk - break 2 - Tues 6

Year 10 Rostered home - Tues 6 

DRA101 Assessments p4 & 5 - Wed 7 and Thurs 8

BUS301 Pitch Event - Wed 7

AR team Wicked Rogaine - Wed 7

Lifesaving exam - Wed 7

Big Sing Regionals - Thurs 8 - Fri 9

GEO 201 Urban Field Trip - Thurs 8

Year 9 Rostered home - Thurs 8 

Camp America Talk - Fri 9

Pūhoro wānanga - Fri 9

Senior French Immersion UC - Fri 9

Waikato Uni Open Day - Fri 9

Week 8
12 Pipiri - 16 Pipiri

Ikura Focus groups - Mon 12

Pacific Parent Fono - Mon12

AR team Wicked Rogaine - Wed 14

Literacy (Reading) CAA - Wed 14 p1 and 2

Year 12 Late start - Wed 14 p1 and 2

Numeracy CAA - Thurs 15 p1 and 2

Year 11 Late start - Thurs 15 p1 and 2

Ngā Manu Kōrero - Thurs 15 - Fri 16

Airforce Heli landing on field - Thurs 15

LEF Reports due - Thurs 15

Literacy (Writing) CAA - Fri 16 p1 and 2

Year 13 Late start - Fri 16 p1 and 2

Cross Country - NZ Champs - Sat 17 - Sun 18

Swimming - SI Champs - Sat 17 - Sun 18

Year 12 Formal - Sat 17

Assembly - 

Mon - King's Birthday - no session

Wed - Manaakitanga

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 11 (PAC)

Wed - Rangitiritanga

Tues - Staff (AI) (please bring along your laptop)

Mon - L&T, TWH and Junior HOD's
Tues - Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Pisa Data: The feedback reports have come in from our students performance in the Pisa test from 2022. It was great to see that our students out performed the Decile mean in all 4 areas of Reading, Maths, Science and Creative thinking.

Please take a moment to read through the report which expands on student wellbeing, Social and Emotional Characteristics, Maths, Learning Experiences during Covid and Creative thinking. 

We had 100 students aged 15 participate in the survey last year, and there are some areas that need to be unpacked further. There are areas that need to be unpacked further as part of the Ako program, Te Whare Hauora and Learning Areas.

A couple of good stats below around Teacher-student relations.

2.Build a big blue future - the Interface Student Minecraft Competition is now open. This year they have teamed up with the Marine Stewardship Council and the challenge is to create a new exhibit for the National Aquarium of New Zealand. This could be a great learning opportunity for those who have a digital passion, or are interested in zoology!

Find our more HERE.

Thursday 25 May 2023

Week 6 - Term 2 - 2023

Kua hua te marama 

Something has completed a full cycle 

This whakatauki could be used to celebrate success/a project coming to term. It can also be used to reflect on the cyclical nature of things.

Week 6
29 Haratua - 2 Pipiri

9ZOO to Orana Park - Mon 29

Otago Law Seminar 3.30pm - Mon 29

UC Scholarship Talk - Mon 29

Year 11 Casio Competition - Tues 30

AR Team Wicked Rogain - Wed 31

Real Estate Careers Talk - Wed 31

Year 12/13 French Trip to Akaroa - Wed 31

Cross Country - Cant. Champs - Thurs 1

Year 12 rostered home - Thurs 1 (TBC)

Estimated Credits  and LEFs Due - Thurs 1

11-13 French Film Festival - Fri 2

Tuahiwi Marae staff PLD - Fri 2

Week 7
5 Pipiri - 9 Pipiri

King's Birthday - Mon 5

Spirit of Adventure trophy - Tues 6 - Sun 11

Police Careers Talk - break 2 - Tues 6

Year 10 Rostered home - Tues 6 (TBC)

DRA101 Assessments p4 & 5 - Wed 7 and Thurs 8

BUS301 Pitch Event - Wed 7

AR team Wicked Rogaine - Wed 7

Lifesaving exam - Wed 7

Big Sing Regionals - Thurs 8 - Fri 9

GEO 201 Urban Field Trip - Thurs 8

Year 9 Rostered home - Thurs 8 (TBC)

Camp America Talk - Fri 9

Pūhoro wānanga - Fri 9

Senior French Immersion UC - Fri 9

Waikato Uni Open Day - Fri 9

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 (PAC)
Year 12 and 13 (Gym - Careers)

Wed - Prefects

Assembly - 

Mon - King's Birthday - no session

Wed - Manaakitanga

Tues - Learning Area


Tues - Staff (AI)

Information for Staff

1. Just a quick update from the team at NZQA moving forward into the SAC space.

In the Numeracy and Literacy (writing) exam, our students will be trialing 'Polly', The new text-to-speech tool. After a SAC review, through the use of focus groups, it has been found that the current system is seen to be mana-diminishing and disempowering, is unsustainable and out of step with NZQA's and schools vision around quality teaching, learning and assessment practice.

The new Co-requisites are intended to be as accessible as possible for all students and barriers are to be removed.

If the trials are successful, NZQA will look to roll this out to all digital examinations moving forward, taking away the need for a reader (and writer as exams are digital).

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is the preferred design framework that will be used with regard to assessment practice moving forward to meet the needs of our ākonga. As a school, we need to further explore how this can be applied as new standards come on board in 2024 to allow for flexibility and minimize barriers. More information can be found on the NCEA Education website -

Thursday 18 May 2023

Week 5 - Term 2 - 2023

 Whaiwhia te kete mātauranga 

Fill the basket of knowledge 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of education and knowledge. It could be used to share/publicise educational events/workshops, to encourage people to fill their baskets with knowledge. It could also be used after a very informative/thought-provoking workshop to celebrate the filling of the collective’s basket with knowledge.

Week 5
22 Haratua - 26 Haratua

BIO301 to Wainui - Various classes out during the full week.

Banqer trip - Shark Tank - Tues 23

NCEA Parent Evening - Tues 23

Non-uniform Day - Tues 23

Wayfinder Day for Māori and Pasifika students (all day) - Tues 23

ISport Foundation - Thurs 25

Year 11 rostered home - Thurs 25

Year 9/11 Dance (F/T) - Thurs 25

Waikato University Open Day - Fri 26

UC German Immersion Day - Fri 26

Week 6
29 Haratua - 2 Pipiri

9ZOO to Orana Park - Mon 29

Otago Law Seminar 3.30pm - Mon 29

Pasifika Parent Fono - MOn 29

UC Scholarship Talk - Mon 29

Year 11 Casio Competition - Tues 30

Year 13 Rostered Home - Tues 30

AR Team Wicked Rogain - Wed 31

Real Estate Careers Talk - Wed 31

Year 12/13 French Trip to Akaroa - Wed 31

Cros Country - Cant. Champs - Thurs 1

Year 12 rostered home - Thurs 1

Estimated Credits  and LEFs Due - Thurs 1

11-13 French Film Festival - Fri 2

Tuahiwi Marae staff PLD - Fri 2

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 (PAC)

Wed - Aroha - Service

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 (PAC)
Year 12 and 13 (Gym - Careers)

Wed - Prefects

Tues - Learning Area


Tues - Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Khanmigo: Personal interactions with students to assist their learning. It is still a prototype but illustrates what the future is. You can join the Khanmigo waitlist as a tester and agree to pay a monthly donation.

Thursday 11 May 2023

Week 4 - Term 2 - 2023

 Mō tatou, ā, mō ngā uri a muri ake nei

For us and our children after us

This whakatauki is the underpinning whakatauki for Kāi Tahu, and encourages intergenerational transfer of knowledge.

It is a shortened version of a kōrero from Kemp's Deed

Week 4
15 Haratua - 19 Haratua

Academic Week - All week with various activities planned by Prefects (More info to come)

Women in Defence Forces visit - Mon 15

Open Day - Tues 16

Year 9 Rostered home - Tues 16

Year 10 Rostered home - Wed 17

CGHS Cross Country - Thurs 18

HoLA Day - Thurs 18

Whānau Hui - Thurs 18

LEF Reports due - Thurs 18

Year 9 Drama to Court Theatre - Fri 19

Week 5
15 Haratua - 19 Haratua

BIO301 to Wainui - Various classes out during the full week.

Banqer trip - Shark Tank - Tues 23

NCEA Parent Evening - Tues 23

Non-uniform Day - Tues 23

Wayfinder Day for Māori and Pasifika students (all day) - Tues 23

ISport Foundation - Thurs 25

Pasifika Parent Fono - Thurs 25

Year 11 rostered home - Thurs 25

Year 9/11 Dance (F/T) - Thurs 25

Waikato University Open Day - Fri 26

UC German Immersion Day - Fri 26

Assembly - 

Mon- Year 11 - PAC
Year 12 and 13 - Careers Assembly - Gym

Wed - Aroha - Youth Hub

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 (PAC)

Wed - Aroha - Service

Tues - Staff


Tues - Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Just a reminder if you are looking ahead for your department planning, you may want to make contact with the Ministry of Education around seeing whether one of the Curriculum Leads or National Implementation Facilitators would be able to join you and help support your team.

Contact details are:

This is to contact the NCEA facilitators  and the second one is

This is for the curriculum lead - their role is to support curriculum implementation

2. Continuing to keep you up-to-date with the latest from the world of AI. Watch the video to see how Chat GPT can be used alongside Kahoot

Thursday 4 May 2023

Week 3 - Term 2 - 2023

 Mātai kōrero ahiahi

Keep the hearth occupied, maintain the stories by firelight

Week 3
8 Haratua - 12 Haratua

Otago University Open Days - Mon 8

Canterbury Road Race - Mon 8

Strike Day - Tues 9

Year 12-13 Careers Evening - Tues 9

Building evac - End of interval/p3 - Wed 10

Winter Sports start - Wed 10

Careers Expo Chch Arena - Thurs 11 - Fri 12

Behind the scenes - Year 9 and 10 - Thurs 11

Music Concert - 6.30pm in PAC - Thurs 11

Otago Uni Visit - Thurs 11

Year 13 Rostered home - Thurs 11

Week 4
15 Haratua - 19 Haratua

Academic Week - All week with various activities planned by Prefects (More info to come)

Women in Defence Forces visit - Mon 15

Open Day - Tues 16

Year 9 Rostered home - Tues 16

Year 10 Rostered home - Wed 17

CGHS Cross Country - Thurs 18

Whānau Hui - Thurs 18

LEF Reports due - Thurs 18

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 (PAC)

Wed - House assembly

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 11 PAC
Year 12 and 13 - Careers Assembly - Gym

Wed - Aroha - Youth Hub

TWH and Junior HOD's - Mon 8

Tues - Nil


Tues - Staff

Information for Staff

1. For those of you considering applying for a study grant for 2024 - applications open on the 10th May. More information can be found HERE.

2. Brisk Teaching - a possible extension that you can add to chrome. Brisk is equipped with a unique AI detector that scrutinizes the content of Google Docs and Google Classroom assignments to determine the likelihood of AI-generated text

3.. OECD Learning Compass: The OECD Learning Compass 2030 is an evolving learning framework that sets out an aspirational vision for the future of education. It provides points of orientation towards the future we want: individual and collective well-being. The metaphor of a learning compass was adopted to emphasise the need for students to learn to navigate by themselves through unfamiliar contexts.

This has helped guide the NZC and aligns with the vision, values and Key competencies and principles.