Thursday 11 May 2023

Week 4 - Term 2 - 2023

 Mō tatou, ā, mō ngā uri a muri ake nei

For us and our children after us

This whakatauki is the underpinning whakatauki for Kāi Tahu, and encourages intergenerational transfer of knowledge.

It is a shortened version of a kōrero from Kemp's Deed

Week 4
15 Haratua - 19 Haratua

Academic Week - All week with various activities planned by Prefects (More info to come)

Women in Defence Forces visit - Mon 15

Open Day - Tues 16

Year 9 Rostered home - Tues 16

Year 10 Rostered home - Wed 17

CGHS Cross Country - Thurs 18

HoLA Day - Thurs 18

Whānau Hui - Thurs 18

LEF Reports due - Thurs 18

Year 9 Drama to Court Theatre - Fri 19

Week 5
15 Haratua - 19 Haratua

BIO301 to Wainui - Various classes out during the full week.

Banqer trip - Shark Tank - Tues 23

NCEA Parent Evening - Tues 23

Non-uniform Day - Tues 23

Wayfinder Day for Māori and Pasifika students (all day) - Tues 23

ISport Foundation - Thurs 25

Pasifika Parent Fono - Thurs 25

Year 11 rostered home - Thurs 25

Year 9/11 Dance (F/T) - Thurs 25

Waikato University Open Day - Fri 26

UC German Immersion Day - Fri 26

Assembly - 

Mon- Year 11 - PAC
Year 12 and 13 - Careers Assembly - Gym

Wed - Aroha - Youth Hub

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 (PAC)

Wed - Aroha - Service

Tues - Staff


Tues - Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Just a reminder if you are looking ahead for your department planning, you may want to make contact with the Ministry of Education around seeing whether one of the Curriculum Leads or National Implementation Facilitators would be able to join you and help support your team.

Contact details are:

This is to contact the NCEA facilitators  and the second one is

This is for the curriculum lead - their role is to support curriculum implementation

2. Continuing to keep you up-to-date with the latest from the world of AI. Watch the video to see how Chat GPT can be used alongside Kahoot

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