Friday 27 October 2023

Week 4 - Term 4 - 2023

 Waiho i te toipoto, Kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together not wide apart

Week 4
   30 Oketopa -  3 Noema

Leavers Dinner - Te Pae - Mon 30

Senior Art Exhibition p4 & 5 - Mon 30

Year 12 NZQA briefing p3 - Tues 31

Year 11 NZQA briefing p4 - Tues 31

10DLM Climate Campus trip - Wed 1

Year 9 Conferencing with Ako teacher - Wed 1

Numeracy CAA - p1&2 Wed 1 (6 students only)

Literacy Reading CAA - p1 & 2 - Thurs 2

LEF Reports due (juniors only) - Thurs 2

Literacy Writing CAA - p 1 & 2 - Fri 3

10NTM Climate Campus trip - Fri 3

Volleyball - Canterbury Junior Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

Week 5
 6 Noema - 10 Noema

NZQA examinations begin - All week

Level 3 Art folios due - Mon 6

NCEA Accord Day - Fri 10

Whanau and Aiga farewell - 5.30 start in the PAC - Fri 10

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - Year 9 & 10

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - Year 9 & 10


Mon:  Nil

Tues: Staff - Literacy updates

Mon:  Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Information for Staff:

1. Today we will farewell Christine. I know not everyone will be able to make it - here is the link to the statements that have been put forward from departments as well as individuals. Reading through these shows the respect we have had for an inspirational leader and reflects the mahi she has done to make, and leave, our kura a better place than when she started.

Thursday 19 October 2023

Week 3 - Term 4 - 2023

Ko te pae tawhiti

Whāia kia tata, Ko te pae tata

Whakamaua kia tina.


Seek out the distant horizons,

While cherishing

Those achievements

At hand.

Week 3
   23 Oketopa - 27 Oketopa

Labour Day - Mon 23

Acland Dinner - Tues 24

NCEA Yr 13 Briefing - Wed 25 at 1pm

Prizegiving @ CBHS - Wed 25 @ 6pm

School finishes at end of P4 - Wed 25

Marking Yr 12 Art folios - Thurs 26 and Fri 27

Christine's farewell - Fri 27 from 3pm

Rugby SI Sevens - Sat 28 - Sun 29

All grades (internal and derived grades) to be entered and double ticked.

Week 4
   30 Oketopa -  3 Noema

Leavers Dinner - Te Pae - Mon 30

Senior Art Exhibition p4 & 5 - Mon 30

Year 12 NZQA briefing p3 - Tues 31

Year 11 NZQA briefing p4 - Tues 31

10DLM Climate Campus trip - Wed 1

Year 9 Conferencing with Ako teacher - Wed 1

Literacy Reading CAA - p1 & 2 - Thurs 2

LEF Reports due (juniors only) - Thurs 2

Literacy Writing CAA - p 1 & 2 - Fri 3

10NTM Climate Campus trip - Fri 3

Volleyball - Canterbury Junior Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

Assembly - 

Mon - Labour day - no Ako session

Wed - Year 13 farewell.

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - Year 9 & 10


Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Mon:  Nil

Tues: Staff - Literacy updates

Information for Staff

1. All internal grades and derived grades should be entered by the end of Friday 27 October. This includes the comments linked to the school exams for feed forward to the parents. Michelle will be generating senior grade reports at the start of week 4 so it can be made available to parents/whanau on Tuesday 31st. If there are individual students who are still completing internals, please let BLS know. There is still time to complete internals, but this should link more to individual students rather than full classes.

2. Thank you to everyone for getting their rank lists in and prizewinners sorted. I know in many cases there was a tight turn around with getting the final assessments in, marking and having grades entered.

Thursday 12 October 2023

Week 2 - Term 4 - 2023

 E kore a muri e hokia

What is done is done

Week 2
   15 Oketopa - 20 Oketopa

Yr 10 Spirit of Adventure - Sat 14 - Thurs 19

All internal grades, external practice examination grades with comments,(Set B) and derived grades (Set C) to be entered into markbooks - Mon 16

Year 13 Rank Lists to BLS - Mon 16

TIMSS assessment - 9TAA and 9JEJ periods 1 - 3 - Mon 16

Year 11 Conferencing with Ako teachers - Mon 16

Year 11 DCAT examination - Tues 17

Year 13 DCAT examination - Wed 18

All nominations for special awards to be completed - Thurs 19 @8am

Year 12 DCAT examination - Thurs 19

LEF reports due - Thurs 19

Pink Day - Fri 20th

Prizewinners notified for prizegiving (which is held on Wed 25th).

Week 3
   23 Oketopa - 27 Oketopa

Labour Day - Mon 23

Acland Dinner - Tues 24

NCEA Yr 13 Briefing - Wed 25 at 1pm

Prizegiving @ CBHS - Wed 25 @ 6pm

School finishes at end of P4 - Wed 25

Marking Yr 12 Art folios - Thurs 26 and Fri 27

Christine's farewell - Fri 27 from 3pm

Rugby SI Sevens - Sat 28 - Sun 29

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 - PAC (Camp Organisation)
Year 11 - Gym

Wed - Sport, Cultural and Service awards

Assembly - 

Mon - Labour day - no Ako session

Wed - Year 13 farewell.


Mon: L&T, TWH and Junior HOD's

Tues: Staff

Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Just a reminder that all year 11 students have access to Education Perfect. They have recently announced that they have been updating their resources for this year group on their platform. They are holding a webinar next Wednesday that you are able to register for. -

2. 60-Second Strategies for Teachers. 

Do want to have a quick review of a range of effective classroom practices quickly? These Short videos literally break down effective classroom practices for a range of teaching levels in 1 minute.

Monday 2 October 2023

Week 1 - Term 4 - 2023

Nā koutou i tangi nā tātou katoa.”
When you cry, your tears are shed by us all.

The whakatauki speaks of empathy, compassion and sympathy 

Week 1
   9 Oketopa - 13 Oketopa

Volleyball starts - Mon 9

Summer Sports start - Wed 11

Rowing novice camp - Fri 13 - Sun 15

2024 Prefect Group interview day - Fri 13 

All derived grades to be completed and are due on Mond 16th

Week 2
   15 Oketopa - 20 Oketopa

Yr 10 Spirit of Adventure - Sat 14 - Thurs 19

All internal grades, external practice examination grades with comments,(Set B) and derived grades (Set C) to be entered into markbooks - Mon 16

Year 13 Rank Lists to BLS - Mon 16

TIMSS assessment - 9TAA and 9JEJ periods 1 - 3 - Mon 16

Year 11 Conferencing with Ako teachers - Mon 16

Year 11 DCAT examination - Tues 17

Year 13 DCAT examination - Wed 18

All nominations for special awards to be completed - Wed 18

Year 12 DCAT examination - Thurs 19

LEF reports due - Thurs 19

Pink Day - Fri 20th

Prizewinners notified for prizegiving (which is held on Wed 25th).

Assembly - 

Mon - Yr 9 - Staffroom
Year 12 - Gym
Year 13 - PAC

Wed - Sports Awards

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 - PAC (Camp Organisation)
Year 11 - Gym

Wed - Sport, Cultural and Service awards


Tues: Learning Area 

Mon: L&T, TWH and Junior HOD's

Tues: Staff

Information for Staff

1. Heads up - save the date: The BOT are planning to hold a farewell for Christine on Friday 27 October after school. 

2. NCEA Implementation workshop lists for you to join are now available on the NCEA website - You will need to register for the relevant one.

3. In the news over the break - it was great to read the article about Bethany Crossan - Student shares passion for Māori culture through her school. Bethany has been awarded the Canterbury Girl Boss inclusion award.

The other article you may have seen included past student Aaria Rolleston, our whanau prefect from about 5 years ago and how she is helping revise the use of Te reo - The article can be found on stuff - HERE.