Thursday 12 October 2023

Week 2 - Term 4 - 2023

 E kore a muri e hokia

What is done is done

Week 2
   15 Oketopa - 20 Oketopa

Yr 10 Spirit of Adventure - Sat 14 - Thurs 19

All internal grades, external practice examination grades with comments,(Set B) and derived grades (Set C) to be entered into markbooks - Mon 16

Year 13 Rank Lists to BLS - Mon 16

TIMSS assessment - 9TAA and 9JEJ periods 1 - 3 - Mon 16

Year 11 Conferencing with Ako teachers - Mon 16

Year 11 DCAT examination - Tues 17

Year 13 DCAT examination - Wed 18

All nominations for special awards to be completed - Thurs 19 @8am

Year 12 DCAT examination - Thurs 19

LEF reports due - Thurs 19

Pink Day - Fri 20th

Prizewinners notified for prizegiving (which is held on Wed 25th).

Week 3
   23 Oketopa - 27 Oketopa

Labour Day - Mon 23

Acland Dinner - Tues 24

NCEA Yr 13 Briefing - Wed 25 at 1pm

Prizegiving @ CBHS - Wed 25 @ 6pm

School finishes at end of P4 - Wed 25

Marking Yr 12 Art folios - Thurs 26 and Fri 27

Christine's farewell - Fri 27 from 3pm

Rugby SI Sevens - Sat 28 - Sun 29

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 - PAC (Camp Organisation)
Year 11 - Gym

Wed - Sport, Cultural and Service awards

Assembly - 

Mon - Labour day - no Ako session

Wed - Year 13 farewell.


Mon: L&T, TWH and Junior HOD's

Tues: Staff

Mon: Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Information for Staff

1. Just a reminder that all year 11 students have access to Education Perfect. They have recently announced that they have been updating their resources for this year group on their platform. They are holding a webinar next Wednesday that you are able to register for. -

2. 60-Second Strategies for Teachers. 

Do want to have a quick review of a range of effective classroom practices quickly? These Short videos literally break down effective classroom practices for a range of teaching levels in 1 minute.

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