Friday 27 October 2023

Week 4 - Term 4 - 2023

 Waiho i te toipoto, Kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together not wide apart

Week 4
   30 Oketopa -  3 Noema

Leavers Dinner - Te Pae - Mon 30

Senior Art Exhibition p4 & 5 - Mon 30

Year 12 NZQA briefing p3 - Tues 31

Year 11 NZQA briefing p4 - Tues 31

10DLM Climate Campus trip - Wed 1

Year 9 Conferencing with Ako teacher - Wed 1

Numeracy CAA - p1&2 Wed 1 (6 students only)

Literacy Reading CAA - p1 & 2 - Thurs 2

LEF Reports due (juniors only) - Thurs 2

Literacy Writing CAA - p 1 & 2 - Fri 3

10NTM Climate Campus trip - Fri 3

Volleyball - Canterbury Junior Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

Week 5
 6 Noema - 10 Noema

NZQA examinations begin - All week

Level 3 Art folios due - Mon 6

NCEA Accord Day - Fri 10

Whanau and Aiga farewell - 5.30 start in the PAC - Fri 10

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - Year 9 & 10

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - Year 9 & 10


Mon:  Nil

Tues: Staff - Literacy updates

Mon:  Nil

Tues: Learning Area

Information for Staff:

1. Today we will farewell Christine. I know not everyone will be able to make it - here is the link to the statements that have been put forward from departments as well as individuals. Reading through these shows the respect we have had for an inspirational leader and reflects the mahi she has done to make, and leave, our kura a better place than when she started.

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