Tuesday 14 November 2017

Week 6 - Term 4 - 2017 EVEN

 Mā te tika o te toki o te tangere, me te tohu o te panaho, ka pai te tere o te waka i ngā momo moana katoa.

By designing and shaping the keel of the waka to perfection, your canoe will overcome obstacles.

Week 6
20 Noema - 24 Noema

NCEA Scholarship Examinations continue - All Week

Junior Chirnside Competition - Mon 21 - Fri 24

Junior Reports to be completed by 1.20 - Tues 21

Duke of Edinburgh Trip - Wed 22 - Fri 24

Summer Sports Ends - Wed 22

Whanau Celebration - Wed 22 at 6pm

Year 9 DIT trip - 9 - 10.50am - Thurs 23

Year 9 Chalk Drawing - period 3 - Thurs 23

All Staff Training for Junior Curriculum Weeks - Sign up for a slot during the day - Thurs 23 - MWL will send out the details.

Water Polo - Junior South Island - Fri 24 - Sun 26

Junior reports printed - Fri 24

Staff Long Service Function - 3.20 in PAC - Fri 24

Week 7
27 Noema - 1 Hakihea

NCEA Scholarship Examinations continue - All Week

Junior Curriculum Project Begins - All students to the Gym for project outline - Mon 27

Volleyball - SI Junior Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 1

Tennis - Canterbury Junior Champs - Tues 28 - Wed 29

Year 10 Camps/Tramps (AT and QC)  - Tues 28 - Fri 1

Other Y10 Camps begin - Wed 29 - Fri 1

NZCT Secondary Schools Girls Cricket Tournament - Thurs 30 - Sun 3

Athletics - National Champs - Fri 1 - Sun 3

Junior reports returned for collation - Fri 1




Tues 21: Junior Reporting


Mon 27: Staff - Special Prizes

Information for Staff

1. At one of our late start mornings, Pauline (GHP) ran a session on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and shared her resources (see post here for links). For those of you who might be wanting to explore this further, TKI have just updated their resources, with an updated guide and video. If you are interested in finding out more go to the TKI Website.

2. Our Code, Our Standards
From January 2018 the use of the new standards released by the Education Council come into effect. The old standards will no longer be able to be used. If you have been working on an inquiry that can be finalised before the end of the year then you may wish to do so, and have the final conversation with your appraiser. The school is required to keep a copy of your appraisal reports, so these must be passed onto the SLT person who has overview of each Learning Area. 
There will be a staff meeting early in 2018 where as a staff we will go over the standards and expectations. CGHS appraisal documents will be updated and available at the start of next year to reflect the new standards. One of the things that I have noted from the information out so far is that "amongst the evidence curated there needs to be at least two observations". There is also an expectation that there be "at least two appraisal conversations annually. One may be both end and beginning of a cycle and another may be interim".
Evidence analysis is also an area where the council are providing further guidance. You will need to "have though widely and analytically about your goal/s and inquiry using information/evidence/data that allow you to understand the relationship between practice (what you plan and teach) and the learner outcomes (learning, achievement and wellbeing)." So when you are thinking about data, examination results are only one aspect.

Another aspect to think about is the idea of what it means to be 'culturally responsive'.This is a crucial principle that teachers should be engaging with and has a lot more emphasis in the first Professional Standard "Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership". Being culturally responsive is for all students, not just Maori and Pasifika. It does NOT mean that in your teaching your throw in the odd lesson that includes aspects of Te reo or culture. It means, no matter what you teach, you engage and respect your students as culturally located individuals. You need to get in touch with what is happening in their lives, their cultural knowledge and prior experiences. The use of te reo and tikanga Māori are also part of this professional standard. This aspect will need to be part of your daily interactions - again not just as part of one off lessons or units. I congratulate many of you who have already started this integration into your practice, it has been great to see a number of departments with this focus in 2017.

Hear how 'Culturally Responsive practice practice helps students' at a Core Ed podcast found HERE

3. Examination papers are available on the NZQA website around 48 hours after each exam finishes - you can find them online under the applicable subject section > Examination papers and exemplars.

4. Free Pop Up for MindLab - if you are interested in seeing what they have to offer, the next session to attend is:
CHRISTCHURCH: Thursday 30th November 2017, 4.00pm-6.00pm
WHERE: The Mind Lab by Unitec, 24 Walker Street, ChristchurchCentral, Christchurch 8011

5. The Youtube clip that Liz (MWL) has shared with our community: Born to Learn

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