Thursday 23 November 2017

Week 7 - Term 4 - 2017 - ODD

Ahakoa nga ueue
Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui

When you find things that are difficult in life,
Stand strong, stand tall and be of great heart

Week 7
27 Noema - 1 Hakihea

NCEA Scholarship Examinations continue - All Week

Junior Curriculum Project Begins - All students to the Gym for project outline - Mon 27

Volleyball - SI Junior Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 1

Tennis - Canterbury Junior Champs - Tues 28 - Wed 29

Year 10 Camps/Tramps (AT and QC)  - Tues 28 - Fri 1

Other Y10 Camps begin - Wed 29 - Fri 1

NZCT Secondary Schools Girls Cricket Tournament - Thurs 30 - Sun 3

Athletics - National Champs - Fri 1 - Sun 3

Junior reports returned for collation - Fri 1

Week 8
Hakihea - 8 Hakihea

Junior Curriculum Project continues - 4 - 6

Celebration of Learning - Wednesday 6

Orchestra Practice - Prizegiving - Thurs 7

Touch NZ Champs - Fri 8 - Sat 9

EOY Junior reports given out - Fri 8

Year 13 Testimonials - Fri 8

EOY Prizegiving - Fri 8 start time of 6pm at CBHS




Mon 27: Staff - Special Prizes


Tues 5 - Learning and Teaching

Information for Staff

1. A big thank you to everyone involved in getting the Curriculum project off the ground. This is a big change for us as a school and helps us embrace the front end of the curriculum document. Next week will rely on everyone to give it a go and try something different. Liz and her team have put in many hours behind the scenes to see make this week a success. It will be great to see what the students produce on Wednesday 6 December at their Celebration of Learning afternoon.

2. Prizegiving: The information that went out in the newsletter to parents - 


We are very excited to be hosting our 140th prizegiving in the Great Hall at Boys’ High on Friday December 8th at 6pm. As this is a smaller (and considerably less expensive) venue than the Horncastle Arena, it does mean that seating is at a premium.
All of Year 13 will be attending as this is their graduating year and their parents/caregivers have been invited. All other prize winners from Years 9-12 will be notified shortly and invites sent to their parents/caregivers. Additional invites will be sent to the parents/caregivers of the girls in the orchestra, concert band, choir and the parents of next year’s prefects (once they have been decided). Requests for additional tickets can be made through the RSVP option in the invitation.

3. Kawe Korero App

If you are wanting to gain further understanding of Māori language and contexts, please check out the Kawe Korero app, which helps with information about te ao Māori, pronunciation, and understanding tikanga (protocol) in business, education and personal contexts. It includes information about greetings, introductions, speeches, meeting protocol, and many other elements of tikanga. It is available on the app store from both Google and Apple.  Developed by the Waikato District Council, this fantastic app is promoted and explained in this Youtube clip: Kawe Korero

4. If you are wanting to know more about what Google Keep is - then watch the clip below.

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