Thursday 30 November 2017

Week 8 - Term 4 2017

Ahakoa he iti kete, he iti nā te aroha

It is the thought that counts

Week 8
Hakihea - 8 Hakihea

Year 13 Graduation Ball at Wigram - Tues 3

Junior Curriculum Project continues - 4 - 6

Celebration of Learning - Wednesday 6

Orchestra Practice - Prizegiving - Thurs 7

Touch NZ Champs - Fri 8 - Sat 9

EOY Junior reports given out - Fri 8

Year 13 Testimonials - Fri 8

EOY Prizegiving - Fri 8 start time of 6pm at CBHS

Week 9
11 Hakihea - 15 Hakihea

Staff Farewells + Xmas Lunch


Junior Assembly - Fri p1 & 2


Tues 5 - Learning and Teaching


Information for Staff

This is the last Matai Messenger for the year....

1. Staff Farewells - On Monday 11 December we will get a chance to Farewell the following staff: Rachel Tutty, Mary Anne Evers, Melissa Mcleod, Louise Edmonds, Victoria Duyshtoff, Alan Fielding, Vanessa Payne and Rachel Fowler. A big thank you for all the work you have done with the girls'. Your hard work and effort with regards to Teaching and Learning has been very much appreciated.
We will start the farewells at 10am in the staffroom. Lunch for those who are going is at 12.30pm.

2. NZQA Updates: 
a. There are changes to a few A.S. in 2018 (Drama L2, and  L3, English L1 and L2 and Geography L1 and 2). HODs have been sent a list with the relevant A.S. number and standards. The new versions of the standards will be published on 12 December 2017.
b. There are a couple of new A.S. available in 2018. These are in Level 2 and 3 Business Studies, Level 3 Psychology and level 1 Digital Technologies (91877 - 91887). The new standards will also be published on 12 December.

3. Professional Development- Middle Leadership Matters: For any middle leaders who would like to consider developing their leadership skills in 2018 you might be interested in the 20 week course with CoreEd. More information about the course can be found HERE. If you are interested in developing in your Middle Leader role please consider this course for 2018 and see BLS.
As part of your professional reading as a Middle Leader, Joanne Robson and Martin Bassett have just released an article through the Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance learning. The Two Towers: The Quest for Appraisal and Leadership Development of Middle Leaders Online.

4. And something relevant to teachers only and you might find yourself agreeing to many of them.

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