Wednesday 28 March 2018

Week 10 - Term 1 - 2018 ODD

Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa
Don't die like a octopus, die like a hammerhead shark

Week 10
Paengawhāwhā - 6 Paengawhāwhā

Easter Monday and Tuesday 2 - 3

12GAT ARA Visit - Wed 4

11Eco trip, p 2 - 4 - Wed 4

Equestrian Event CSS - Wed 4

Otago Uni Junior Maths - Wed 4

12/13 Drama Assessments - Thurs 5 - Fri 6

12DVC Software Course - Thurs 5

12GAT Avonmore - Thurs 5

Summer Sports Awards - Thurs 5

12/13 CST Christchurch Food Show - Fri 6

Sheilah Winn Shakespeare - Sat 7 - Sun 8

Week 11
Paengawhāwhā - 13 Paengawhāwhā

12/13 Drama Assessments - Mon 9 - Wed 11

Noho Marae Trip - Tues 10 - Wed 11

12GAT First Aid course - Tues 10 and Thurs 12 (All Day)

Blood Donor Clinic - Tues 10

Otago University Visit - Tues 10

Late Start - Tues 10 (See meetings below)

LEFs Due - End of school day - Tues 10 

Music Concert - Thurs 12 @ 7pm in PAC - Gold Coin Donation

Year 9 DIT Paparoa visit - Thurs 12

Senior Alison Harper - Fri 13

12GAT Riccarton - Fri 13 (p 1 and 2)

12DVC Software Course - Sat 14

Last Day Term 1 - Fri 13

Assembly - WED

Year 9 Assembly (Peer Support Leaders) - Gym

Year 11 Assembly - PAC
Assembly - WED

Junior Assembly - End of Term Merit Awards - both Levels in Gym


No meeting - Easter Tuesday


Pedagogical Meeting - Late start time slot - Integration of STPs in Learning Areas.

Learning Area meeting after school if needed.

Information for Staff

1. Thank you for your time and professionalism with parent - teacher interviews this week.

2. Standards for the Teaching Profession: The Pedagogical Meeting on Tuesday 10 April has been set aside as time for Learning Areas to look at evidence for the standards withing their own teaching context. The school wide document has been shared with staff to read through and comment on. (See Google Doc)
By adding learning area specific evidence, this will help individuals during end of year Attestation and Appraisal discussions.

3. At the recent year 12 Assembly, the students were asked to vote on a whakatauki that represents the year level. The winner out of the 3 is:
Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa -Don't die like a octopus, die like a hammerhead shark
The explanation behind this whakatauki is that Octopus are renown for their lack of resistance when being captured, however a hammerhead shark will fight bitterly to the end, to the point that when you fillet it fresh, its meat quivers. Commonly used to encourage someone not to give up, no matter how hard the struggle is.
So if you have a year 12 class, you might want to remind them about not giving up!

4. Differentiated Teaching: 

Differentiated teaching refers to the methods teachers use to extend the knowledge and skills of every student in every class, regardless of their starting point.

Hattie (2012) found that differentiated teaching had an effect size of 1.07 as an intervention or impact on student learning and achievement. 

This strategy is effective when teachers use evidence of student learning readiness, their progress with regards to learning, student interest, and knowledge of our students as individuals. For this strategy to have such a high impact, Teachers need to 'make adjustments for individuals so all students experience challenge, success and improved learning'. (High Impact Teaching Strategies, 2017).

Teachers who differentiate effectively use information from formative tasks, such as what students know now, and what they are ready to learn next. For more information go HERE

Thursday 22 March 2018

Week 9 - Term 1 - 2018 EVEN

Ka whangaia, ka tupu, ka puawai.
That which is nurtured blossoms, then grows

Week 9
26 Maehe - 30 Maehe

Cycling - NZ Schools MTB - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Year 12 Geo Trip - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Parent Teacher Interviews - Mon 26 and all day Thurs 29

Swimming Sports - Tues 27

UC Visit - Tues 27

Good Friday - Fri 30

Week 10
Paengawhāwhā - 6 Paengawhāwhā

Easter Monday and Tuesday 2 - 3

12GAT ARA Visit - Wed 4

11Eco trip, p 2 - 4 - Wed 4

Equestrian Event CSS - Wed 4

Otago Uni Junior Maths - Wed 4

12/13 Drama Assessments - Thurs 5 - Fri 6

12DVC Software Course - Thurs 5

12GAT Avonmore - Thurs 5

Summer Sports Awards - Thurs 5

12/13 CST Christchurch Food Show - Fri 6

Sheilah Winn Shakespeare - Sat 7 - Sun 8

Assembly - WED

Full School Easter Assembly - Gym
Assembly - WED

Year 9 Assembly (Peer Support Leaders) - Gym

Year 11 Assembly - PAC


Learning Area - Tues 27


No meeting - Easter Tuesday

Information for Staff

1. Digital passport: Mindlab has launched 'Digital Passport', which is a platforms for teachers to 'realise the opportunities of the new Digital Curriculum and bring 21st Century skills to today's students'. The 'digital passport' contains a set of resources for teachers to engage with what the new digital curriculum has on offer and is free till 22 July, 2018.

See the following websites if you want to know more:

2. The use of explicit teaching as a way to structure lessons: Effective teachers use explicit teaching to provide instruction, demonstrate concepts and build student knowledge and skills. In explicit teaching practice, teachers show students what to do and how to do it, and create opportunities in lessons for students to demonstrate understanding and apply the learning.
The first part of explicit teaching is to set goals for your lesson. Goals are a way to explain what the students need to understand and what they must be able to do by the end of the lesson. By setting learning goals (kaupapa), you are able to clarify what success looks like for a student.
The second part of explicit teaching is around 'show and tell'. This involves modelling both the 'visible actions and the underlying thinking' that is needed for learning.
The final part is making sure there is time for practice, i.e. time to practice what they have learnt over time.

NZ Curriculum: Effective Pedagogy p34-35 'Teacher actions promoting student learning: Students learn best when teachers (allow students) to encounter new learning a number of times and in a variety of different tasks or contexts'.

Use of this strategy aligns with the following Standards for the Teaching Profession (STP): Learning-focused Culture, Design for Learning and Teaching.

3. For Wellbeing: The Happy Secret to Better Work

Thursday 15 March 2018

Week 8 - Term 1 - 2018 ODD

He waka eke noa
A canoe which we are all in with no exception

Week 8
19 Maehe - 23 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week - All Week

11DRA Assessments - Mon 19 - Wed 21

Rowing - Maadi Cup - All Week

Rowing NZ Champs - All Week

Sailing - SISS Sunburst - All Week

Year 9 Science Rutherfords Den Visits - Mon 19, Tues 20 and Thurs 22, Fri 23

Tennis NZ Champs - All Week

Volleyball - NZ Champs - All Week

Water Polo SI Champs - Mon 19

ARA Visit - Tues 20

SI Sevens Champs - Tues 20 - Wed 21

Basketball 3x3 Tournament - Wed 21 - Fri 23

Dragon Boating - NZSS - Fri 23 - Sat 24

13HTH Blood Donor Centre - Fri 23

SISS Athletics - Sat 24 - Sun 25

Touch NZ Champs - Sat 24 - Sun 25

Polo Tournament - Sun 25

Week 9
26 Maehe - 30 Maehe

Cycling - NZ Schools MTB - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Year 12 Geo Trip - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Parent Teacher Interviews - Mon 26 and all day Thurs 29

UC Visit - Tues 27

Good Friday - Fri 30



Year 12 Level Assembly - Gym
year 13 Level Assembly - PAC

Full School Easter Assembly - Gym


L & T meeting - Tues 20


Learning Area - Tues 27

Information for Staff

1. Monday 26 will be running on Wednesday times for classes for period 3, 4 and 5. This is to avoid an additional AKO time. This means school will finish at 2.30pm in preparation for parent-teacher interviews.

2. In light of our Pasifika Girls' performing tomorrow at Polyfets, information can be found on how to Support Pasifika students on TKI under the section on Inclusive Education.

The article is based on research of over 6000 girls in the USA. There are definite aspects that resonate with the success of the girls at CGHS. The author states " Boys are pushed to take risks; girls are not. In fact, they feel like they have to be perfect at everything they do; they see getting a 'B' in math class as bad - we have to teach girls to be imperfect". Something to think about, I know there has been discussions in our staffroom especially in relation to taking Scholarship examinations.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Week 7 - Term 1 - 2018 - EVEN

Takoto kau ana te whanau o Taane!
The forest is felled (for planting), the hard work is done.

Week 7
12 Maehe - 16 Maehe

Year 11 Art Portfolio Exhibition @ Wigram Museum - Mon 5 - Sun 18

NZCT tournament - Tues 13 - Thurs 15

Athletics - Canterbury Champs - Tues 13 and Sun 17

Auckland Uni Visit - Tues 13

Easter Mufti Day - Tues 13

Year 11 Art Trip to Wigram - Wed 14

12CHE Internal - Wed 14 - Fri 16

13GRA Field Trip - Wed 14 - Thurs 15

Waitaki Exchange at CGHS - Thurs 15 - Fri 16

Massey Uni Visit - Thurs 15

11DRA Assessments - Fri 16

Rowing - Maadi Cup - sat 17 - Sun 18

Water Polo - SI Champs - Sat 17 - Sun 18

Week 8
19 Maehe - 23 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week - All Week

11DRA Assessments - Mon 19 - Wed 21

Rowing - Maadi Cup - All Week

Rowing NZ Champs - All Week

Sailing - SISS Sunburst - All Week

Year 9 Science Rutherfords Den Visits - Mon 19, Tues 20 and Thurs 22, Fri 23

Tennis NZ Champs - All Week

Volleyball - NZ Champs - All Week

Water Polo SI Champs - Mon 19

ARA Visit - Tues 20

SI Sevens Champs - Tues 20 - Wed 21

Basketball 3x3 Tournament - Wed 21 - Fri 23

Dragon Boating - NZSS - Fri 23 - Sat 24

13HTH Blood Donor Centre - Fri 23

SISS Athletics - Sat 24 - Sun 25

Touch NZ Champs - Sat 24 - Sun 25

Polo Tournament - Sun 25


Full School Assembly - Wed 14 - Gym
Academic Colours

Year 12 Level Assembly - Gym
year 13 Level Assembly - PAC


Student Support - Tues 13

Learning and Teaching - Extra Meeting - Tues 13 


L & T meeting - Tues 20

Information for Staff

1. New update for G-Suite: We have asked for the new feature, an activity dashboard to be activated when it becomes available on Google. It will be available in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. It’s a feature that lets users with edit access see who has viewed the file and when they viewed it, rather than just find when the last edit is.
A very useful feature for teachers who are google doc users.

2. Transforming Assessment Practice: NZQA have developed a 9 week online programme, for teachers who would like to "modify existing resources to better meet the needs of learners, and exploring diverse and valid ways of collecting evidence."
To find out more information visit

3. NCEA Opinion Piece: There have been a number of articles written in the media about the review of NCEA. The Sunday Star times had an article quoting Briar Lipson, and her views of how NCEA should be changed.
The article (NZ Initiative Publication), was released to coincide with the announcement that NCEA was under review.
There is a front summary of a number of recommendations that she puts forward, and these are worth a read. Some of them will challenge your thinking about how NCEA is currently run. See 'Spoiled By Choice'.

Thursday 1 March 2018

Week 6 - Term 1 - 2018 - ODD

Ka mate kāinga tahi ka ora kāinga rua
When one home fails, have another to go to.Have two strings to your bow.

Week 6
Maehe - 9 Maehe

12Bio - Temple Basin - Mon 5 - Fri 9

Year 11 Art Portfolio Exhibition @ Wigram Museum - Mon 5 - Sun 18

LEFs Due Wed 7 at 8.40am

AUT Visit - Tues 6

Year 11 Geo Trip - Wed 7 - Fri 9

13CHE internal (p5) Wed 7

Triathlon - Canty Champs - Thurs 8

Rowing - Pre Maadi Cup - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Volleyball - Canterbury Champs - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Dragon Boating SI - Sat 10

Week 7
12 Maehe - 16 Maehe

Year 11 Art Portfolio Exhibition @ Wigram Museum - Mon 5 - Sun 18

NZCT tournament - Tues 13 - Thurs 15

Athletics - Canterbury Champs - Tues 13 and Sun 17

Auckland Uni Visit - Tues 13

Easter Mufti Day - Tues 13

12CHE Internal - Wed 14 - Fri 16

Year 11 Art Wigram Visit - Wed 14

13GRA Field Trip - Wed 14 - Thurs 15

Waitaki Exchange at CGHS - Thurs 15 - Fri 16

Massey Uni Visit - Thurs 15

11DRA Assessments - Fri 16

Rowing - Maadi Cup - sat 17 - Sun 18

Water Polo - SI Champs - Sat 17 - Sun 18


Year 13 NCEA Assembly - Wed 7 - PAC

Full School Assembly - Wed 14 - Gym
Academic Colours


Pedagogical Meeting - Tues 6

All PCTs - Thurs 8 with BLS


Student Support - Tues 13

Learning and Teaching - Extra Meeting - Tues 13 

Information for Staff

1. Just a reminder that there is an extra meeting scheduled for Tuesday 13 for the Learning and Teaching Group, to enable staff to draft documents for all staff. This will be held in the Library.

2. If you don't have access to the Nor'west Newspaper, the last couple of weeks have had great write ups of achievement of CGHS sporting achievements.

3. For those of you who would like to try something a little bit different for PD. There is the 'Shadow a Student' challenge. The challenge states:  "Educators and researchers have long known that shadowing can lead to powerful observations and insights to drive change. The Shadow a Student Challenge provides methods and a network to help school leaders achieve Deeper Learning for all students." If you want to explore this idea further visit, and see BLS for PD request.

4.  Applications for the March intake of the Postgrad in Applied Practice (Digital & Collaborative Learning) are closing on 9th MarchThere are still spaces remaining at most locations. Remember, $2000 NEXT Generation Teacher Scholarships are available. We have one staff member taking up the offer already.