Thursday 15 March 2018

Week 8 - Term 1 - 2018 ODD

He waka eke noa
A canoe which we are all in with no exception

Week 8
19 Maehe - 23 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week - All Week

11DRA Assessments - Mon 19 - Wed 21

Rowing - Maadi Cup - All Week

Rowing NZ Champs - All Week

Sailing - SISS Sunburst - All Week

Year 9 Science Rutherfords Den Visits - Mon 19, Tues 20 and Thurs 22, Fri 23

Tennis NZ Champs - All Week

Volleyball - NZ Champs - All Week

Water Polo SI Champs - Mon 19

ARA Visit - Tues 20

SI Sevens Champs - Tues 20 - Wed 21

Basketball 3x3 Tournament - Wed 21 - Fri 23

Dragon Boating - NZSS - Fri 23 - Sat 24

13HTH Blood Donor Centre - Fri 23

SISS Athletics - Sat 24 - Sun 25

Touch NZ Champs - Sat 24 - Sun 25

Polo Tournament - Sun 25

Week 9
26 Maehe - 30 Maehe

Cycling - NZ Schools MTB - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Year 12 Geo Trip - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Parent Teacher Interviews - Mon 26 and all day Thurs 29

UC Visit - Tues 27

Good Friday - Fri 30



Year 12 Level Assembly - Gym
year 13 Level Assembly - PAC

Full School Easter Assembly - Gym


L & T meeting - Tues 20


Learning Area - Tues 27

Information for Staff

1. Monday 26 will be running on Wednesday times for classes for period 3, 4 and 5. This is to avoid an additional AKO time. This means school will finish at 2.30pm in preparation for parent-teacher interviews.

2. In light of our Pasifika Girls' performing tomorrow at Polyfets, information can be found on how to Support Pasifika students on TKI under the section on Inclusive Education.

The article is based on research of over 6000 girls in the USA. There are definite aspects that resonate with the success of the girls at CGHS. The author states " Boys are pushed to take risks; girls are not. In fact, they feel like they have to be perfect at everything they do; they see getting a 'B' in math class as bad - we have to teach girls to be imperfect". Something to think about, I know there has been discussions in our staffroom especially in relation to taking Scholarship examinations.

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