Thursday 1 March 2018

Week 6 - Term 1 - 2018 - ODD

Ka mate kāinga tahi ka ora kāinga rua
When one home fails, have another to go to.Have two strings to your bow.

Week 6
Maehe - 9 Maehe

12Bio - Temple Basin - Mon 5 - Fri 9

Year 11 Art Portfolio Exhibition @ Wigram Museum - Mon 5 - Sun 18

LEFs Due Wed 7 at 8.40am

AUT Visit - Tues 6

Year 11 Geo Trip - Wed 7 - Fri 9

13CHE internal (p5) Wed 7

Triathlon - Canty Champs - Thurs 8

Rowing - Pre Maadi Cup - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Volleyball - Canterbury Champs - Fri 9 - Sun 11

Dragon Boating SI - Sat 10

Week 7
12 Maehe - 16 Maehe

Year 11 Art Portfolio Exhibition @ Wigram Museum - Mon 5 - Sun 18

NZCT tournament - Tues 13 - Thurs 15

Athletics - Canterbury Champs - Tues 13 and Sun 17

Auckland Uni Visit - Tues 13

Easter Mufti Day - Tues 13

12CHE Internal - Wed 14 - Fri 16

Year 11 Art Wigram Visit - Wed 14

13GRA Field Trip - Wed 14 - Thurs 15

Waitaki Exchange at CGHS - Thurs 15 - Fri 16

Massey Uni Visit - Thurs 15

11DRA Assessments - Fri 16

Rowing - Maadi Cup - sat 17 - Sun 18

Water Polo - SI Champs - Sat 17 - Sun 18


Year 13 NCEA Assembly - Wed 7 - PAC

Full School Assembly - Wed 14 - Gym
Academic Colours


Pedagogical Meeting - Tues 6

All PCTs - Thurs 8 with BLS


Student Support - Tues 13

Learning and Teaching - Extra Meeting - Tues 13 

Information for Staff

1. Just a reminder that there is an extra meeting scheduled for Tuesday 13 for the Learning and Teaching Group, to enable staff to draft documents for all staff. This will be held in the Library.

2. If you don't have access to the Nor'west Newspaper, the last couple of weeks have had great write ups of achievement of CGHS sporting achievements.

3. For those of you who would like to try something a little bit different for PD. There is the 'Shadow a Student' challenge. The challenge states:  "Educators and researchers have long known that shadowing can lead to powerful observations and insights to drive change. The Shadow a Student Challenge provides methods and a network to help school leaders achieve Deeper Learning for all students." If you want to explore this idea further visit, and see BLS for PD request.

4.  Applications for the March intake of the Postgrad in Applied Practice (Digital & Collaborative Learning) are closing on 9th MarchThere are still spaces remaining at most locations. Remember, $2000 NEXT Generation Teacher Scholarships are available. We have one staff member taking up the offer already.

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