Thursday 22 March 2018

Week 9 - Term 1 - 2018 EVEN

Ka whangaia, ka tupu, ka puawai.
That which is nurtured blossoms, then grows

Week 9
26 Maehe - 30 Maehe

Cycling - NZ Schools MTB - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Year 12 Geo Trip - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Parent Teacher Interviews - Mon 26 and all day Thurs 29

Swimming Sports - Tues 27

UC Visit - Tues 27

Good Friday - Fri 30

Week 10
Paengawhāwhā - 6 Paengawhāwhā

Easter Monday and Tuesday 2 - 3

12GAT ARA Visit - Wed 4

11Eco trip, p 2 - 4 - Wed 4

Equestrian Event CSS - Wed 4

Otago Uni Junior Maths - Wed 4

12/13 Drama Assessments - Thurs 5 - Fri 6

12DVC Software Course - Thurs 5

12GAT Avonmore - Thurs 5

Summer Sports Awards - Thurs 5

12/13 CST Christchurch Food Show - Fri 6

Sheilah Winn Shakespeare - Sat 7 - Sun 8

Assembly - WED

Full School Easter Assembly - Gym
Assembly - WED

Year 9 Assembly (Peer Support Leaders) - Gym

Year 11 Assembly - PAC


Learning Area - Tues 27


No meeting - Easter Tuesday

Information for Staff

1. Digital passport: Mindlab has launched 'Digital Passport', which is a platforms for teachers to 'realise the opportunities of the new Digital Curriculum and bring 21st Century skills to today's students'. The 'digital passport' contains a set of resources for teachers to engage with what the new digital curriculum has on offer and is free till 22 July, 2018.

See the following websites if you want to know more:

2. The use of explicit teaching as a way to structure lessons: Effective teachers use explicit teaching to provide instruction, demonstrate concepts and build student knowledge and skills. In explicit teaching practice, teachers show students what to do and how to do it, and create opportunities in lessons for students to demonstrate understanding and apply the learning.
The first part of explicit teaching is to set goals for your lesson. Goals are a way to explain what the students need to understand and what they must be able to do by the end of the lesson. By setting learning goals (kaupapa), you are able to clarify what success looks like for a student.
The second part of explicit teaching is around 'show and tell'. This involves modelling both the 'visible actions and the underlying thinking' that is needed for learning.
The final part is making sure there is time for practice, i.e. time to practice what they have learnt over time.

NZ Curriculum: Effective Pedagogy p34-35 'Teacher actions promoting student learning: Students learn best when teachers (allow students) to encounter new learning a number of times and in a variety of different tasks or contexts'.

Use of this strategy aligns with the following Standards for the Teaching Profession (STP): Learning-focused Culture, Design for Learning and Teaching.

3. For Wellbeing: The Happy Secret to Better Work

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