Thursday 8 November 2018

Week 5 - Term 4 - 2018

Ko te pae tawhiti whāia kia tata, Ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tīna.

 Encourages people to have vision, and to strive to bring that vision closer to a realisation. What has already been achieved must be strengthened and nurtured. It is difficult to say what is impossible for the dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today and the realities of tomorrow. A person must be ever determined to find ways of creating benefits for other humans.

Week 5
12 Noema - 16 Noema

NZQA Examinations Continue - All Week

Junior Examination Week - Mon 12 - Wed 14

Late Start -Teacher PLD and Ako Review - Mon 12 - 8.45am in staffroom.

Exeat Day - Thurs 15

Show Day - Fri 16

Week 6
19 Noema - 23 Noema

NZQA Examinations Continue - All Week

Junior Chirnside Competition - Mon 19

Summer Sport Ends Wed 21

Yr 10 Climate Change talk p1 Wed and/or p3 Friday - PAC

Water Polo - Junior SI Champs - Fri 23 - Sat 24

Assembly - WED


Assembly - WED

Year 10 Camp Meetings


Monday - Clickview Training
Tuesday - Learning and Teaching


Curriculum Focus

Information for Staff

1. Professional Learning and Development opportunities for  2019.

Learning Network NZ have 2 presenters that are coming to Christchurch next year. Lane Clarke on 6 May on "Learning How to Think"  and Pete Hall from USA, on "Creating a Culture of Reflective Practice". If you are interested in attending these, then please see BLS.

2. Weaving my Korowai - From MCC
I attended an interesting and hands-on session at ULearn18 around the significance of the Korowai and how to create one by making each step meaningful to the individual. I have modified the process as a way for the students to reflect on themselves and their goals and the Year 13 students will be completing this activity at the start of 2019.

To complete the Korowai each student needs:

1 piece of A3
40 feathers (students choose their own colours)
1 strip of coloured paper
Braided wool

Each student’s Korowai is personal to them and it is very important that they take responsibility for what they write.
  • 1 layer of feathers represents personal goals
  • 1 layer of feathers represent school goals
  • 1 layer of feathers represents what they value in their family/friends/support network
  • 1 layer of feathers represent strengths they recognise in themselves as well as strengths they will need to work on to help them achieve their goals.

Students feedback at the end of the session in small groups:

1. Why they chose the colours that they chose - how are the colours significant/special to them - can’t say because that’s all there was left or I liked it.
2. The most important personal goal, the most important school goal
3. What strength they would like to work on.

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