Wednesday 14 November 2018

Week 6 - Term 4 - 2018

Week 6
19 Noema - 23 Noema

NZQA Examinations Continue - All Week

Junior Chirnside Competition - Mon 19

Summer Sport Ends Wed 21

Yr 10 Climate Change talk p1 Wed and/or p3 Friday - PAC

Water Polo - Junior SI Champs - Fri 23 - Sat 24

Week 7
26 Noema - 30 Noema

NZQA Examinations Continue - All Week

NZ Tallblacks training in Gym - Tues 27, 10am - 12pm

Duke of Edinburgh training Year 10 - Mon 26 - Wed 28

Duke of Edinburgh training Year 9 - Wed 28 - Fri 30

Tennis - Canterbury Junior Champs - Tues 27 - Wed 28

Volleyball - SI Junior Champs - Tues 27 - Fri 30

Athletics National Champs - Thurs 29 - Sun 2

Cricket NZ - Fri 30 - Sun 2

Kapa Haka rehearsal - Fri 30

Last day for internal NZQA entries - Fri 30

Assembly - WED

Year 10 Camp Meetings

Assembly - WED

Junior Assembly - Merit awards


Curriculum Focus


Staff Meeting - Special Prizes and Reporting - Monday 26

Information for Staff

Te Whanake1. We had our wonderful intro taster from Julia Field last term regarding the correct pronunciation of our Te reo. (Starved pets eat more food). To keep up your own learning and practice your pronunciation in the comfort of your own home then check out the great resources on the Tōku Reo website. It is set up as modules, with podcasts and videos that you can listen to.

2.ULearn18 Conference Spotlight Presentation: Navigating a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) World” (From DNK)

Lane Clark’s presentation at this year’s ULearn18 conference in Auckland prompted me to consider some of the factors which are currently driving debate in education, both internationally and here in New Zealand.

During her presentation, Lane discussed how the Key Competencies are positioned to drive profound curriculum change in a world where students will need a special set of global competencies to successfully navigate their world.

The content from Lane’s presentation has fed into our English department’s move to re-design our Year 12 courses for 2019 and to bring the Key Competencies to the forefront of our planning and teaching.

Below are the links to some of the international policy documents driving this change in education. 
They are well worth a read!

- OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 2030 Learning Compass

-The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is an international call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, realise peace and prosperity.

-P21 Framework (Partnership for 21st Century Skills)

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