Wednesday 31 March 2021

Week 9 - Term 1 - 2021

 Mēnā, ka whakapono koe, ka tūtuki koe.

If you believe it, you can achieve it.

Week 9
 5 Āperira - 9 Āperira

Easter Monday and Tuesday - No school

Empower 2021 (Social Justice workshop) Thurs

Academic Colours Assembly - Friday 9 - Period 1 and 2 will be 5 minutes shorter.

Week 10
 12 Āperira - 16 Āperira

Parent Teacher Interviews - Tues 13 in afternoon and Friday 16

Auckland Uni Visit - Wed 14

Otago Maths Competition - Wed 14

13ENL Museum Trip (p5) - Thurs 15

PLG Late Start - Fri 16

Water Polo - NZ Div 2- Sat 17 - Sun 20

School Holidays - Sat 17 - Sun 2

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 PAC

Friday - Academic 

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 and 10 Values awards in the Gym

Friday - Nil




Information for Staff

1. Further information has come through for the TOD on Thursday 13 May. The day will focus on two of the seven changes to NCEA: Mana Ōrite mō te Mātauranga Māori and Strengthening Literacy & Numeracy and Te Reo Matatini me Te Pāngarau. 
This follows TOD 1 from November 2020 which introduced the NCEA Change Programme, and will be followed by TOD 3 in August 2021 which focuses on the Review of Achievement Standards (RAS).
A draft agenda for can be found HERE. We are currently exploring options as to how we want the day to be set up to enable the rich discussions, more information to follow.

2. British teens are having a #Me Too moment - very topical at the moment.

3. Thinking of giving feedback on the Level 1 RAS? Claire Amos talks through a possible way to go about it.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Week 8 - Term 1 - 2021

 He manako te koura i kore ai

There are no crayfish as you set your heart on them

This is similar to not putting all your eggs in one basket. You could also consider this as Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

Week 8
29 Maehe - 2 Āperira

Year 10 Social Studies trips to Antarctic Centre - All week (various classes out on different days)

11DRA Assessments - Tues 30 - Thurs 1

Whanau Hui - Tues 30 @ 6.00pm

Minister for Woman Visit - Tues 30 @ 9am - Year 13 to go to the PAC p1.

Staff Feedback from 'Ask your Team' Survey - prompt 8.20am start (for 20mins) - No Ako time - Tues 30

Gateway Health and Safety - Tues 30

HoLA Leadership Day 1 - Wed 31

Swimming Canterbury Champs - Wed 31

Peer Support p5 - Wed 31

Good Friday - Fri 2

Week 9
 5 Āperira - 6 Āperira

Easter Monday and Tuesday - No school

Empower 2021 (Social Justice workshop) Thurs

Academic Colours Assembly - Friday 9 - period 1 and 2 will be 5 minutes shorter.

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11  - PAC

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 PAC
Year 13 - Gym

Friday - Academic 

Staff Meeting



Information for Staff

A great blog post on how to encourage deeper thinking by the use of questioning in the classroom.

2. Plickers is a great multi choice quiz tool to quickly gauge student understanding and can also be used for formative assessment. It does not require students to use a device. Students are given an individual printed QR code. They raise this, turning it to show their answer.  The teacher scans the codes with a phone and can immediately see responses.

Find out more from the Plickers website.

3. In 2013 the youth from Christchurch schools got together after the earthquake to discuss what they would like the future of education to be as our city was undergoing change. Eight years on, it is interesting to see what has changed or have their voices gone unheard?

Keep: Passionate teachers, Choice, self directed learning and the greater Christchurch Network.

Drop: Barriers between schools, the labelling of schools (decile) Poor relationships (between students and teachers and student to student), inequalities and lecture teaching.

Opportunity: Youth voices in decision making, positive attitudes, having the best teaching for modern learning and allowing schools to specialize

Create: International recognition for NCEA, More subject choice, Preparation for the world and preparation for life and work.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Week 7 - Term 1 - 2021

 Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa 

Let us keep close together, not wide apart 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of keeping connected, of maintaining relationships and dialogue so that we can keep moving forward together. 

Week 7
22 Maehe - 26 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week

Futsal NZ Champs - All week

Maadi Cup - All week

Tennis - NZ and SI Champs - Mon 22 - Sun 28

Volleyball - NZ Champs - All Week

Basketball NZ 3 x 3 Tournament - Wed 24 - Sat 27

Water Polo - SI Champs - Thurs 25 - Sun 28

Week 8
29 Maehe - 2 Āperira

Year 10 Social Studies trips to Antarctic Centre - All week (various classes out on different days)

11DRA Assessments - Tues 30 - Thurs 1

Whanau Hui - Tues 30 @ 6.00pm

Minister for Woman Visit - Tues 30 @ 9am - Year 13 to go to the PAC p1.

Staff Feedback from 'Ask your Team' Survey - prompt 8.20am start (for 20mins) - No Ako time - Tues 30

Gateway Health and Safety - Tues 30

HoLA Leadership Day 1 - Wed 31

Swimming Canterbury Champs - Wed 31

Peer Support p5 - Wed 31

Good Friday - Fri 2

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 - PAC
Year 10 Gym

Friday - Easter Assembly

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11  - PAC

Friday - Nil

Learning Area Meeting


Staff Meeting

Information for Staff

1. "Transform your Google Slide shows into interaction whole class lessons using Peardeck.  You can insert questions for understanding and see everyone's responses, insert surveys and polls, and much more.

2. If you are interested in a bit of professional reading, the Education Hub have put together an article on the "Role of memory, knowledge and understanding in Learning"

3. And a little something that Christine sent through around teamwork......

Thursday 11 March 2021

Week 6 - Term 1 - 2021

 He toa taumata rau

(Bravery has many resting places)

Week 6
15 Maehe - 19 Maehe

UC Liaison Visit - Mon 15

Volleyball ends - Mon 15

Yr 9 Attitude presentation - Mon 15 p2

Cricket Regional Tournament - Tues 16 - Wed 17

Canterbury Athletics Prelims - Tues 16

Non-Uniform Day - Thurs 18

GEO201 trip to Cass Valley - Wed 17 - Fri 19

Peer Support p1 - Wed 17

Empower 2021 (Social Justice workshops) - Thurs 18

Prefects V Monitors Dodgeball - Thurs 18

Maadi Cup - Friday 19 - Sun 21

PLG Late Start - Fri 19 (classes start period 2)

Canterbury Athletics finals - Sat 20

Week 7
22 Maehe - 26 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week

Futsal NZ Champs - All week

Maadi Cup - All week

Tennis - NZ and SI Champs - Mon 22 - Sun 28

Volleyball - NZ Champs - All Week

Basketball NZ 3 x 3 Tournament - Wed 24 - Sat 27

Water Polo - SI Champs - Thurs 25 - Sun 28

9Soc Taonga Hunt - All Week - with different classes out each day.

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 - Gym
Year 13 NCEA assembly in the PAC

Friday - Awards

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 - PAC
Year 10 Gym

Friday - Easter Assembly

Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Haoura
Junior HODs


Learning Area Meeting

Information for Staff

1. Good luck to our Polyfest group who are performing tomorrow (Sat 13 March). A big shout out to both Angie and Maria for all of your hard work and dedication that has helped the girls get to where they are!

2.You may be interested to read the latest Education Gazette article - 'To Stream or not to Stream' 

3. Updated timeline for the Accord TOD - the next one scheduled will again be run through school. Information and resources when they become available can be found HERE.

3. How mistakes can be 'generative' for both teachers and studentsEduardo Briceño, co-founder of Mindset Works, provides four categories that are useful for classifying mistakes. He looks at an error’s potential for meaningful learning opportunities to distinguish between positive and negative mistakes.

4. How Josiah Tulamali’i went from abandoning to uplifting Pasifika people


Aotearoa-New Zealand History

Public engagement on the draft Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories curriculum content is now underway. The public consultation will run from 3 February to 31 May.
Meanwhile some excellent resources continue to emerge to support  teaching, including Te Takanga o te Wā and RNZ's podcasts on the New Zealand Wars: stories of Tainui and stories of Waitara.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Week 5 - Term 1 - 2021

 Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou 

Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing 

This whakatauki refers to the importance of learning for it is key to your wellbeing. If you follow the path of learning, the world will be your oyster.

Week 5
Maehe - 12 Maehe

Athletic Sports - Mon 8

Gateway First Aid - Mon 8 - Tues 9

Auckland University Visit - Tues 9

Polyfest Fa'aliga Evening - Tues 9 at 6pm

Geo 101 Trip to Queenstown - Wed 10 - Fri 12

CGHS Swimming Sports - Thurs 11

Lincoln University Visit - Thurs 11

Ugly Shakespeare - Thurs 11 p2

Rowing - pre Maadi camp  - Fri 12 - Sun 14

SI schools MTB champs - Fri 12 - Sun 14

Volleyball Canterbury Champs - Fri 12 - Sun 14

Week 6
15 Maehe - 19 Maehe

UC Liaison Visit - Mon 15

Volleyball ends - Mon 15

Yr 9 Attitude presentation - Mon 15 p2

Cricket Regional Tournament - Tues 16 - Wed 17

Canterbury Athletics Prelims - Tues 16

Non-Uniform Day - Tues 16

GEO201 trip to Cass Valley - Wed 17 - Fri 19

Peer Support p1 - Wed 17

Empower 2021 (Social Justice workshops) - Thurs 18

Prefects V Monitors Dodgeball - Thurs 18

Maadi Cup - Friday 19 - Sun 21

PLG Late Start - Fri 19 (classes start period 2)

Canterbury Athletics finals - Sat 20

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 Gym
Year 12 - PAC (NCEA)

Friday - Full School (Polyfest group will perform)

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 - Gym
Year 13 NCEA assembly in the PAC

Friday - Easter Assembly



Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Haoura
Junior HODs

Information for staff

1. Going forward for all of the review of achievement standards updates, information will be posted on
Information is available re the next Teacher Only day on the 13th May - it looks as if the focus will be on the literacy and numeracy standards plus Mana Ōrite. There is no further information at this stage -

2. We have access to Edpuzzle Pro free of charge until the end of July. A perfect opportunity to explore this programme which allows you to add questions and activities to videos from YouTube, National Geographic, Khan Academy, Ted Talks etc. You can also edit videos to show only the part you need.

Once the students have completed an activity you can access the report to see their responses - easy data collection. They can also see their responses and the correct answers if they were wrong.