Thursday 18 March 2021

Week 7 - Term 1 - 2021

 Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa 

Let us keep close together, not wide apart 

This whakatauki speaks to the importance of keeping connected, of maintaining relationships and dialogue so that we can keep moving forward together. 

Week 7
22 Maehe - 26 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week

Futsal NZ Champs - All week

Maadi Cup - All week

Tennis - NZ and SI Champs - Mon 22 - Sun 28

Volleyball - NZ Champs - All Week

Basketball NZ 3 x 3 Tournament - Wed 24 - Sat 27

Water Polo - SI Champs - Thurs 25 - Sun 28

Week 8
29 Maehe - 2 Āperira

Year 10 Social Studies trips to Antarctic Centre - All week (various classes out on different days)

11DRA Assessments - Tues 30 - Thurs 1

Whanau Hui - Tues 30 @ 6.00pm

Minister for Woman Visit - Tues 30 @ 9am - Year 13 to go to the PAC p1.

Staff Feedback from 'Ask your Team' Survey - prompt 8.20am start (for 20mins) - No Ako time - Tues 30

Gateway Health and Safety - Tues 30

HoLA Leadership Day 1 - Wed 31

Swimming Canterbury Champs - Wed 31

Peer Support p5 - Wed 31

Good Friday - Fri 2

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 - PAC
Year 10 Gym

Friday - Easter Assembly

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11  - PAC

Friday - Nil

Learning Area Meeting


Staff Meeting

Information for Staff

1. "Transform your Google Slide shows into interaction whole class lessons using Peardeck.  You can insert questions for understanding and see everyone's responses, insert surveys and polls, and much more.

2. If you are interested in a bit of professional reading, the Education Hub have put together an article on the "Role of memory, knowledge and understanding in Learning"

3. And a little something that Christine sent through around teamwork......

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