Thursday 11 March 2021

Week 6 - Term 1 - 2021

 He toa taumata rau

(Bravery has many resting places)

Week 6
15 Maehe - 19 Maehe

UC Liaison Visit - Mon 15

Volleyball ends - Mon 15

Yr 9 Attitude presentation - Mon 15 p2

Cricket Regional Tournament - Tues 16 - Wed 17

Canterbury Athletics Prelims - Tues 16

Non-Uniform Day - Thurs 18

GEO201 trip to Cass Valley - Wed 17 - Fri 19

Peer Support p1 - Wed 17

Empower 2021 (Social Justice workshops) - Thurs 18

Prefects V Monitors Dodgeball - Thurs 18

Maadi Cup - Friday 19 - Sun 21

PLG Late Start - Fri 19 (classes start period 2)

Canterbury Athletics finals - Sat 20

Week 7
22 Maehe - 26 Maehe

Summer Tournament Week

Futsal NZ Champs - All week

Maadi Cup - All week

Tennis - NZ and SI Champs - Mon 22 - Sun 28

Volleyball - NZ Champs - All Week

Basketball NZ 3 x 3 Tournament - Wed 24 - Sat 27

Water Polo - SI Champs - Thurs 25 - Sun 28

9Soc Taonga Hunt - All Week - with different classes out each day.

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 - Gym
Year 13 NCEA assembly in the PAC

Friday - Awards

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 - PAC
Year 10 Gym

Friday - Easter Assembly

Learning and Teaching
Te Whare Haoura
Junior HODs


Learning Area Meeting

Information for Staff

1. Good luck to our Polyfest group who are performing tomorrow (Sat 13 March). A big shout out to both Angie and Maria for all of your hard work and dedication that has helped the girls get to where they are!

2.You may be interested to read the latest Education Gazette article - 'To Stream or not to Stream' 

3. Updated timeline for the Accord TOD - the next one scheduled will again be run through school. Information and resources when they become available can be found HERE.

3. How mistakes can be 'generative' for both teachers and studentsEduardo Briceño, co-founder of Mindset Works, provides four categories that are useful for classifying mistakes. He looks at an error’s potential for meaningful learning opportunities to distinguish between positive and negative mistakes.

4. How Josiah Tulamali’i went from abandoning to uplifting Pasifika people


Aotearoa-New Zealand History

Public engagement on the draft Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories curriculum content is now underway. The public consultation will run from 3 February to 31 May.
Meanwhile some excellent resources continue to emerge to support  teaching, including Te Takanga o te Wā and RNZ's podcasts on the New Zealand Wars: stories of Tainui and stories of Waitara.

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