Thursday 25 March 2021

Week 8 - Term 1 - 2021

 He manako te koura i kore ai

There are no crayfish as you set your heart on them

This is similar to not putting all your eggs in one basket. You could also consider this as Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

Week 8
29 Maehe - 2 Āperira

Year 10 Social Studies trips to Antarctic Centre - All week (various classes out on different days)

11DRA Assessments - Tues 30 - Thurs 1

Whanau Hui - Tues 30 @ 6.00pm

Minister for Woman Visit - Tues 30 @ 9am - Year 13 to go to the PAC p1.

Staff Feedback from 'Ask your Team' Survey - prompt 8.20am start (for 20mins) - No Ako time - Tues 30

Gateway Health and Safety - Tues 30

HoLA Leadership Day 1 - Wed 31

Swimming Canterbury Champs - Wed 31

Peer Support p5 - Wed 31

Good Friday - Fri 2

Week 9
 5 Āperira - 6 Āperira

Easter Monday and Tuesday - No school

Empower 2021 (Social Justice workshop) Thurs

Academic Colours Assembly - Friday 9 - period 1 and 2 will be 5 minutes shorter.

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11  - PAC

Friday - Nil

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 PAC
Year 13 - Gym

Friday - Academic 

Staff Meeting



Information for Staff

A great blog post on how to encourage deeper thinking by the use of questioning in the classroom.

2. Plickers is a great multi choice quiz tool to quickly gauge student understanding and can also be used for formative assessment. It does not require students to use a device. Students are given an individual printed QR code. They raise this, turning it to show their answer.  The teacher scans the codes with a phone and can immediately see responses.

Find out more from the Plickers website.

3. In 2013 the youth from Christchurch schools got together after the earthquake to discuss what they would like the future of education to be as our city was undergoing change. Eight years on, it is interesting to see what has changed or have their voices gone unheard?

Keep: Passionate teachers, Choice, self directed learning and the greater Christchurch Network.

Drop: Barriers between schools, the labelling of schools (decile) Poor relationships (between students and teachers and student to student), inequalities and lecture teaching.

Opportunity: Youth voices in decision making, positive attitudes, having the best teaching for modern learning and allowing schools to specialize

Create: International recognition for NCEA, More subject choice, Preparation for the world and preparation for life and work.

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