Thursday 24 June 2021

Week 9 - Term 2 - 2021

 E kore te patiki e hoki ki tona puehu

The flounder (fish) does not return to his dust

Do not make the same mistake twice.

Week 9
28 Pipiri - 2 Hurae

Tech Week

12DRA Production - Tues 29 - Thurs 1

Reader's Cup Turanga Library Trip ( 5 - 7pm) Wed 30

Week 10
 5 Hurae - 9 Hurae

Year 11 - 13 Parent Teacher Interviews - Tues 6 (After school) and Fri 9 (all day)

DRA301 Production - Wed 7 - Thurs 8

Last Day Term 3 - Fri 9

School Holidays - Sat 10 - Sun 25
Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 (PAC)

Friday - Sports Awards

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 13 (PAC)
Year 9 and 10 Values awards (Gym)

Friday - Nil




Nil - Parent/Teacher Interviews

Information for Staff

1. For those of you who may be interested, more information has recently been posted with regards to the numeracy and literacy pilots with examples of what the examination platform will look like. Go to to find out more.

2. All learning areas have had their PLD with either Jackie or Arnika from ImpactED. The team have written a summary (HERE) of the outcomes from each of the learning areas around how the Growth Profile is being rolled out into classes. There are also a number of recommendations and next steps to make sure that our CGHS Growth Profile becomes embedded into our programs moving forward.

3. Educandy is a free online tool for creating simple games for students to review new words, terms, matching of facts, etc.  

Enter your questions to create an activity and share with students.  There is a choice of games to play - memory, crossword, match up, noughts and crosses etc. 

Thursday 17 June 2021

Week 8 - Term 2 - 2021

 Mamae ana ngā niho i te ngaunga ki te māeke 

‘My teeth are hurting from the gnawing cold’

As we farewell the summer months and welcome autumn we can’t help but anticipate that feeling of the onset of the cold months of winter.

Week 8
21 Pipiri - 24 Piripi

Chamber Music Regional Final - Mon 21

Microsoft Presentation - Lunchtime in 126 (lunch provided for those who have signed up) - Tues 22

YES Pitch - Business Studies - Tues 22

9SOC Influential Women Panel p1 and 2 - Thurs 24

Late Start PLD - Fri 25

Squash - SI Champs - Sun 27

Week 9
28 Pipiri - 2 Hurae

Tech Week

12DRA Production - Tues 29 - Thurs 1

Reader's Cup Turanga Library Trip ( 5 - 7pm) Wed 30

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 (PAC)

Friday - Wellbeing (+others)

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 12 (PAC)

Friday - Sports Awards


HOLA and Junior HOD combined meeting (Room TBC)



Information for staff

1. Have your say - the new proposed subject list for Level 2 and Level 2 is now available. Feedback will be open for 8 weeks. Go to to complete the survey.

For the full reading of the proposal see the NZ Curriculum Discussion document.

2. You can now add colour to your Google Drive folders, making it easier to locate items. Right click on the folder and choose change colour from the menu.

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 9.02.19 AM.png

You can also add emojis to your names of folders. Right click, rename, click on the name of the document and add the emoji of your choice.

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 9.07.08 AM.png

Thursday 10 June 2021

Week 7 - Term 2 - 2021


Week 7
14 Pipiri - 18 Piripi

International Languages Week

Pride Week

Gymnastics Canterbury Champs - Tues 15

PISA Testing Day - Tues 15

11DRA Assessments - Wed 16 - Fri 18

Chamber Music Contest - Wed 16 - Fri 18

Empower 2021 workshop - Thurs 17

Jane Austin Essay Comp - Thurs 17 p1&2

HoLA Leadership Day - Thurs 17

Manu Korero (regional @ Hornby High School) - Fri 18

NZ Cross Country champs - Sat 19 - Sun 20

Swimming SI Champs - Sat 19 - Sun 20

Year 12 Formal - Sat 19

Week 8
21 Pipiri - 24 Piripi

Chamber Music Regional Final - Mon 21

Microsoft Presentation - Lunchtime in 126 (lunch provided for those who have signed up) - Tues 22

YES Pitch - Business Studies - Tues 22

9SOC Influential Women Panel p1 and 2 - Thurs 24

Late Start PLD - Fri 25

Squash - SI Champs - Sun 27

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 10 (PAC)

Friday - House Assemblies

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 11 (PAC)

Friday - Wellbeing (+others)


Learning Area


HOLA and Junior HOD combined meeting (Room TBC)

Information for staff

1. Planning is now well underway for the third Accord Teacher Only Day taking place in August 2021 – TOD 3. The focus of this day will be on the Review of Achievement Standards for Level 1 of the NZC.

We have been told that detailed content will be provided by the end of June, with full access to the finalised resources in July. This is to allow enough time to customise the content and plan the day for our specific circumstances.

Just an FYI - we have been told that the date may change in August, but I will keep you posted, we do not know whether this will be in school only, or whether we will be in across school groups.

There are also a number o FAQ sheets now available for you to look through that have been put together after questions from the last TOD - see links below.

TOD 2 FAQ and responses

Literacy and Numeracy FAQs

2. With Matariki celebrations occurring - you may find some of the activities below of interest.

Find ways to celebrate and learn about Matariki
with these digital- themed activities:

Check out our student & teacher friendly curated collection of websites and videos to learn about Matariki on Wakelet.

An algorithm (hātepe) is a clear set of instructions. Can you follow these algorithms to do the Matariki Macarena?

Create a pukapuka about ngā whetū using Google Slides or Book Creator (on iPad or Chrome).

Make a Kiriata!

Use stop motion animation to tell the story of Matariki. 

Watch this fabulous example created by a Y3&4 class

19 o Pipiri ki 11 o Hōngongoi 2021.

19th of June to 11th July

Create a pātaitaitanga on Kahoot or Quizlet to practice the names of the stars.

Teachers, if you have Quizlet- check out our Matariki quiz set here

Teachers! Check out this wonderful resource from Raranga Matahiko & the Waitangi Treaty Grounds integrating DT and Matariki.


Have a listen to this podcast from Dr Rangi Matamua who has studied Matariki for the last 20 years. Listen here


Use Scratch to make an animation to teach someone about Matariki. Find our example here.

Use some LED’s, copper tape and a coin battery to create the pattern of the stars (ngā whetū). 

Watch here

Mātauranga is a website with videos and activities guiding students on a voyage of discovery about the technology and innovation that brought people to Aotearoa. 

Created by Sir Ian Taylor.

Use augmented reality on some of these stargazing apps to view the stars:

Find out more about star navigation here.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Week 6 - Term 2 - 2021

 He kai kei aku ringa

There is food at the end of my hands

Said by a person who can use his basic abilities and resources to create success.

Week 6
7 Pipiri - 11 Piripi

Queen's Birthday - Mon 7

Ara Open Day - Thurs 10

Non-Uniform Day - Thurs 10

Big Sing Gala - Fri 11 at 6.30pm

Senior French NCEA day at UC - Fri 11

Week 7
14 Pipiri - 18 Piripi

International Languages Week

Gymnastics Canterbury Champs - Tues 15

PISA Testing Day - Tues 15

11DRA Assessments - Wed 16 - Fri 18

Chamber Music Contest - Wed 16 - Fri 18

Empower 2021 workshop - Thurs 17

Jane Austin Essay Comp - Thurs 17 p1&2

HoLA Leadership Day - Thurs 17

Manu Korero (regional @ Hornby High School) - Fri 18

NZ Cross Country champs - Sat 19 - Sun 20

Swimming SI Champs - Sat 19 - Sun 20

Year 12 Formal - Sat 19

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 9 (PAC)

Friday - Mayor & NZ Rowing

Assembly - 

Wed - Year 10 (PAC)

Friday - House Assemblies


Staff - Inside Out


Learning Area

Information for staff

1. PPTA Grant to attend subject conferences in 2021
A number of you have expressed interest in attending your subject area conferences this year. As a way to have more staff attend from school you may want to consider getting pre-approval for funding to cover costs - more information can be found at

2. Here's some news from Google - you will soon be able to save photos directly from Gmail into Google photos - you will see an extra button appear that will make this an easy step.

The roll out has begun so we should see this feature in the new couple of weeks.

Screen Shot 2021-06-01 at 9.12.49 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-06-01 at 9.13.16 AM.png
3. For those of you who follow Oliver Lovell (@ollie_lovell), he has just released his latest ERRR podcast. The interview is with Peps Mccrea on motivating students.

4. This article on class participation explores how to allow different ways for students to speak up and therefore make the classroom more inclusive. Using digital tools allows students to contribute asynchronously and allows the teacher to monitor understanding.