Thursday 15 June 2023

Week 9 - Term 2 - 2023

 Kaua e mate wheke mate ururoa

Don't die like a octopus, die like a hammerhead shark

Octopus are renown for their lack of resistance when being captured, however a hammerhead shark will fight bitterly to the end, to the point that when you fillet it fresh, its meat quivers. Commonly used to encourage someone not to give up, no matter how hard the struggle is.

Week 9
19 Pipiri - 23 Pipiri

Year 9 and 10 rostered home - Mon 19

PHY201 Fieldtrip to UC - Mon 19 and Tues 20

Year 11 and 12 rostered home - Tues 20

Year 12 Production - All Day - Mon 19

CGHS/CBHS Production - Wed 21 - Sat 24

Girls with Hi-Vis - Wed 21

DRA201 Drama Assessments - Wed 21

Year 9 and 13 rostered home - Wed 21

Muslim Hui - 3 - 4.30pm - Thurs 22

Year 10 and 11 rostered home - Thurs 22

DRA301 Assessments - Fri 23

Squash - SI Champs - Sat 24 - Sun 25

Week 10
26 Pipiri - 30 Pipiri

Year 12 and 13 rostered home - Mon 26

Year 9 Dance and Drama showcase - Mon - 26 at 3pm

Aukaha UC Yr 12 Open Day - Tues 27

Yr 13 Drama Assessments - Tues 27 (all day)

Year 9 and 10 rostered home - Tues 27

Senior Parent teacher interviews - Tues 27 - (school finishes at 12)

Year 11 and 12 rostered home all day - Wed 28

PUM Wed 28 from 9-11am. School will start at 11.45 for all students

CGHS Kapa Haka Event - Thurs 29

Year 9 and 13 rostered home - Thurs 29

Senior Parent Teacher Interviews - Friday 30 

Cycling - SISS Road Champs Sat 1 - Sun 2

End of term 2 - Fri 30

Assembly - 

Mon - None

Wed - Matariki

Assembly - 

Mon - Values awards - Year 9 and 10

Wed - None

Mon - Extra L&T

Tues - Staff - E-learning

Tues - None - P/T interviews

Information for Staff

1. Understanding how NCEA requirements are changing. With the looming course selection happening from week 4 next term, if you have students who ask about anything NCEA, the latest guidelines and explanations are available.

We now have clarification regarding course endorsement - this is 14 credits for a course and must include one external. They also state that "kaiako are free to design NCEA courses using achievement standards from across two or more subjects"

2. The Year 10's after they finished their 3rd exam in 3 days!

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