Monday 10 July 2023

Week 1 - Term 3 - 2023


Ka mate kāinga tahi ka ora kāinga rua.
When one home fails, have another to go to. Have two strings to your bow. It speaks of resilience and improvisation if you have to go to plan B.

Week 1
17 Hūrae - 21 Hūrae

Royal Variety Show - Thurs 20 - Fri 21

Swimming - New Zealand Champs - Thurs 20 - Sun 23

Orchestra trip - Thurs 20

Senior Production - Fri 21 - 3-6pm

Week 2
24 Hūrae - 28 Hūrae

International Week - All week

BrainBee Dunedin - Wed 26 - Thurs 27

Auckland Uni Course Planning - Thurs 27

House Drama Competition - Thurs 27

jessie Clark ENG Competition - Thurs 27

LEF Reports due - Thurs 27

Senior Production 3 - 7pm - Fri 28

Assembly - 

Mon - Nil - all students in Ako

Wed - Drama Performance

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 10 (PAC)

Wed - International

Tues - Learning Area 

Tues - Staff 

Information for Staff

1. Nau mai hoki mai to term 3. Hope you have all managed to have a restful break and got to spend time with whanau and friends.
As we head into the new term, always one of the busiest, with course selection planning, preparing our ākonga for school and end of year examinations (and subsequent marking), testimonial writing, and continued planning for the changes ahead. Just remember to do what you all do best, which is inspire and empower our ākonga so that they can reach their goals. See you all on Monday.

2. If you have been continuing to explore what AI platforms are coming online, then you may want to have a look at This is a directory of reliable websites under development and worth exploring.

3. I came across this resource - a choice board for students to use during peer assessment. Uses students centred language and could be of interest if you want to explore the statements further.

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