Thursday 27 July 2023

Week 3 - Term 3 - 2023

 Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua

 Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead 

This whakatauki also speaks to the importance of working together. It acknowledges and values the importance of both the leader and the followers for both are essential and co-dependent.

Week 3
31 Hūrae - 4 Akuhata

Book Week - All week

French students to concert @CBHS p5 - Tues 1

Junior A Basketball Quiz Night - Tues 1

Massey Uni - Manawatu Campus Open Day - Wed 2

UC Law & Criminal Justice Day - Wed 2

Australian Maths Competition - p3 and 4 on Thurs 3

QUAD Tournament - Thurs 3

NZ Aerobics Regions Chch - Fri 4 - Sat 5

Squash - NZ Champs - Fri 4 - Sun 6

Week 4
 7 Akuhata - 11 Akuhata

Ara Course Planning - Mon 7

Parent Portal opens for 2024 - Mon 7

TOU201 to Akaroa - Tues 8

Otago Uni Course Planning - Tues 8

Marg Thorsborne training - Thurs 10 - Fri 11

Canterbury SS Ski/Snowb Champs - Thurs 10

International student ski trip - Thurs 10

Lip Sync - Thurs 10

LEF Reports due - Thurs 10

Cadenza (Music) Fri 11 - Sat 12

Lincoln Uni Course Planning - Fri 11

Massey Uni Albany Campus - Fri 11

Non-Uniform day - The Youth Hub - Fri 11

Year 11 Formal - Sat 12

Assembly - 

Mon - Year 9 (PAC)

Wed - House

Assembly - 

Mon - 
Year 11 - PAC

Wed - Boarders Week

Tues - Learning Area

Tues - Staff

Information for Staff

1. Curriculum Support

This term we should expect to see the full version of “Te Mātaiaho” available for use. The other resource that will be coming out in Term 4 to be aware of is the “Phase 2 of the Common Practice Model” as part of the “Literacy, Communications and Maths Strategy”. 

The curriculum advisers and NCEA implementation facilitators are starting to get booked up for the TOD at the end of the year. However, they will offer the regional workshops (breakfast, online and after school sessions) to help schools run these days. The MOE will confirm the dates and times soon so if you wish to attend you have plenty of time to organise.

The MOE is committed to providing support that is tailored to the needs of the educational setting, and this may look like: 

  • in-person or online chats and curriculum planning support 
  • curriculum lead-run teacher only day, staff meeting sessions and workshops
  • working with school leaders, middle leaders, and teaching teams  
  • sharing resources and new developments 
  • Have a look through the summary of Curriculum Resources, Links and Contacts. 

If you would like to book a facilitator please let BLS know ASAP.

2. And just because Lipsynch is coming up shortly - I thought it timely that we reshare the staff one from a few years ago - always love the ending Christine and we will miss you!

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