Wednesday 8 February 2017

Term 1 / Week 02 - ODD WEEK

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei
Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain

Week 2   6th - 10th Pēpuere (ODD)

Waitangi Day - Mon 6th

Extended Form Time (Timetables issued to all students) 8.40am - 9.00am
Timetabled classes from Period 1: 9.10am - 9.50am - Tues 7th

Tennis - South Island Qualifying - Wed 8th

Photographs at the Chateau Cando/Class/Individual
Staff photograph at the Chateau 3.15pm - Thurs 9th and Fri 10th

Week 3 13th -17th Pēpuere (EVEN)

Rowing Champs - Tues 14th - Fri 17th

Tues 7th: Learning and teaching
Tues 13: Departments

Welcome to the new format of the Matai Messenger at Christchurch Girls High School. Our weekly summary of upcoming events will now also include information on PD opportunities that are available, Teaching and Learning tips, links to readings, as well as other relevant information that could be of interest.

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