Thursday 16 February 2017

Term 1 / Week 04 - ODD WEEK

"Education is what people do to you, learning is what you do for yourself" (Joi Ito)

"Mātauranga Ko te aha te mahi te iwi ki a koutou, te ako ko te aha te mea i a koutou hoki koe"

Week 4 
20 - 24 Pēpuere (ODD)

Year 9 Camps - Mon 20 - Fri 24

Tennis (Canterbury Senior) - Mon 20 - Tues 21

Year 10 Sci Classes with Simon Pollard - Wed 22 - Thurs 23

Week 5
27 Pēpuere - 3 Maehe (EVEN)

Rowing - CSS Regatta Lake Hood - Sat 25 - Sunday 26

Touch Rugby - Canterbury Champs - Sat 25

Peer Support - Period 2 - Thurs 2

Year 9 Parent Evening - Thurs 2

CGHS Athletic Sports - BHS All Day - Friday 3

Tennis - South Island Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

Volleyball - South Island Champs - Fri 3 - Sun 5

LEF Reports to be done.


Mon 20: MarkBook Set Up (HOLAs; HODs; TICs) - BUB

Tues 21: Staff meeting

Thurs 23: New Teachers - Library
Mon 27: Staff Anaphylaxis Training Session

Tues 28: Student Support

Late Start Dates for CGHS in 2017

Staff professional learning and Development this year includes a number of late starts. Just to signal the dates to you all, these are:
Thurs 16 March (T1)
Mon 15 May (T2)
Fri 23 June (T2)
Tues 22 August (T3)
Thurs 9 November (T4).

A letter will be sent home to parents at the beginning of March signalling our school focus for 2017. These will be:
  • eLearning Pedagogy, as the school continues to implement BYOD
  • school pastoral systems, focusing on the Key Competencies from the New Zealand curriculum and how to better prepare students for life beyond school
  • Tataiako, how the school engages with Maori learners and their whanau.

Another Google Doc tip: Using the Highlight Tool

An add-on that you might find useful, and definitely useful for your students to have as part of their Google Doc learning toolkit is the Add-on which is a highlighting tool.

If you are giving your students a reading with questions via Google Docs, students are able to highlight as they read the document. Different colours can be used in relation to the different questions that need to be answered.
Once they have finished, students can then export the highlighted extracts either by sequence or colour. This is a great way to enable students to summarise, and use the key quotes in their writing.

Professional Learning and Development.

For staff who might be interested in upskilling in Te Reo:

Stage 1- Te Reo Puāwai and Stage 2 - Te Reo Manahua courses are available through Core-Ed. These are 8 - 10 week courses, with one face to face session and start on March 7.

Further information can be found via the following links.
Te Reo Puāwai Māori 
Te Reo Manahua Māori

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