Thursday 30 March 2017

Term 1 - Week 10 - ODD week

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

My valour is not that of an individual but that of a multitude

The combined efforts of many are needed to complete a project

Week 10
3 Āperira - 7 Āperira (ODD)

Waitaki Summer Exchange - CGHS - Mon 3 - Tue 4

12DRA Assessment - Wed 5 - Fri 7

12PHY UC Trip - Wed 5

13MED Trip - Wed 5

Otago Junior Maths (Yr9-11) - Wed 5

LEF's and Estimated Credits due 12.50pm - Wed 5

11ECO Trip (P1 &2) - Thu 6

9DIT Trip - Thu 6

Easter Mufti Day - Thu 6

Summer Sports Awards - Thu 6

12 & 13HOS Christchurch Food Show - Fri 7 - Sun 9

Dragon Boating - NZSS - Fri 7 - Sat 8
Week 10
10 Āperira - 15 Āperira (EVEN)

13DRA Assessment - Mon 10 - Tues 11

Swimming - School Sports (am only) -Mon 10

Blood Donations, Gym - Tue 11

Yr12 & 13 Careers Evening - Tue 11

13CHE internal - Wed 12

Easter/ ANZAC/ Colours Assembly, P4 - Thurs 13

Good Friday - Fri 14.




Easter/Anzac Assembly - P4. This combines with the school Colours Assembly.

Tues 4: Student Support

Thurs 6: Mentor discussion - 3.25 in Library.


Tues 11: Staff Meeting

Character Strengths and Leadership.

At the staff meeting on Tuesday, Sylvia shared ideas around the use of character strengths and the importance in identifying in ourselves, as well as our learners what those stengths might be. The website containing a free survey she shared which can be used with your classes can be found at

As teachers we are all leaders, and we need to remind ourselves 'what it means to be a good leader'. One way to do this is to take the Myers-Briggs personality test. This is one way that can help you reflect, and gain insight, on how this influences your decisions as both a colleague and a leader. There is a free online test which can be found at:

After have completed the questions, you will get a page with some info about your type of personality. If you click on a button that says ‘read summary’ (or something similar) on that page, it will take you to a more detailed summary where it has information on how this can affect you in the workplace, in friendships and relationships among other things.

Obviously as with all of these things, they are not gospel and not all of the information may resonate with you but can provide some interesting insights (and a bit of a laugh)

To help complete the test as accurately as possible, here is some useful information.
Try to instinctively answer questions (i.e. don’t spend too long over thinking questions)
Try not to sit on the fence
There are three levels on each side so if you only slightly agree you can just not move the bar over quite as far.

Staff Wellbing: 

I also came across this blog from Teacher Toolkit on Mindfulness. It is English (England) based. The article ends with.....
"If we are better equipped to deal with students mental health, our teaching and learning will excel; we can reduce the teaching minutes wasted (on what some of the issues can be considered teenage drama) we will feel much more prepared to handle whatever the day throws at us. In turn leaving both student and teacher happier."

Tech Tip

If you are thinking about how to empower students to create their own book - in any subject to showcase their learning - you might want to try creating an eBook with Google slides.

How to create a eBook with Google slides

Thursday 23 March 2017

Term 1 - Week 9 - EVEN Week

Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi
With red and black the work will be complete

Week 9
27 Maehe - 31 Maehe (EVEN)

Summer Tournament Week - Mon 27 - Fri 31

13BUS - Regional Enterprise Day - Tue 28

Cycling - NZ School MTB Champs - Mon 27 - Wed 29

Rowing - Maadi Cup - Mon 27 - Sun 2

Sailing - SISS Sunburst Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 31

Tennis - NZ Champs - Mon 27 - Thurs 30

Volleyball - NZ Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 31

Water Polo - Sth Island - Mon 27 - Wed 29

Rugby - School 7s - Tue 28 - Wed 29

Triathalon - NZ Champs - Thurs 30 - Fri 31

Athletics - Sth Island Champs - Fri 31 - Sun 2
Week 10
3 Āperira - 7 Āperira (ODD)

Waitaki Summer Exchange - CGHS - Mon 3 - Tue 4

12DRA Assessment - Wed 5 - Fri 7

12PHY UC Trip - Wed 5

13MED Trip - Wed 5

Otago Junior Maths (Yr9-11) - Wed 5

LEF's and Estimated Credits due 12.50pm - Wed 5

11ECO Trip (P1 &2) - Thu 6

9DIT Trip - Thu 6

Easter Mufti Day - Thu 6

Summer Sports Awards - Thu 6

12 & 13HOS Christchurch Food Show - Fri 7 - Sun 9

Dragon Boating - NZSS - Fri 7 - Sat 8





Tues 28: Staff Meeting

Thurs 30: New Staff - Appraisal and Attestation - Library


Tues 4: Student Support

Thurs 6: New staff - first term debrief

Thank you to all staff

1. SADA Meetings

Thank you to all our HOLA's and HOD's who have put time and effort into looking at the data that checks students progress. There have been great discussions already and lots of positives around student achievement. This is also a chance for Learning Area's to set goals moving forward based on the outcomes.

2. Learning Walk: Monday saw our first new staff Learning walk. The focus for this was on "Creating a supportive Learning Environment".
As a group the staff met to discuss what this might look like when you go into a classroom. After the class visits, discussion was had with regards to the following:
a. What did I see the students doing?
b. What challenged my thinking about my own teaching?
c. What impact may this have on my teaching as a result?

The staff summary of 'Look fors' and answers can be found at the shared google doc if you would like to view. (Click here for doc)

Thank you to all staff who allowed others into your classroom, it was a very positive experience for the staff involved to get an idea of the CGHS classroom culture - the girls were amazing!

Feedback from Late start

Last week I asked for some feedback re our first late start and school/staff Professional Learning and Development needs.

1. Options that you would like to see available at our next late start. 50% of respondents have asked form more PD on Maori Learners is something that you would be interested in.

2. Looking at aspects of PLD that you believe the school does well. These late starts are an opportunity to work across Faculty and discuss ideas. A few staff have identified specific Faculty needs, and I will look at these in relation to Faculty Pedagogical meetings going forward. Remember these are meetings that staff can share PD they may have attended, a chance to work on new units of work, share good teaching practice etc.
The area that reflects the 'not as well' is around Leadership, so will look to offer options in this area.

Professional Reading

1.The first link came through from a recent PD afternoon for DP/APs and was referred to by the presenter, definitely a good discussion article that could be used in meetings. It only takes a couple of minutes to read and very thought provoking.

2. Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession

This OECD publication was released earlier this year. It is a bit longer.... (278 pages).

Professional Learning and Development opportunities.

1. Delving Deeper - Thursday April 6.

The program has 35 presentations from schools willing to share their practice (See link for presentationsThere is a limit of 6 delegates per school but presenters are not included in this maximum number
Registrations will close on Wednesday March 29th at 5pm with the website being closed off then
Jane Gilbert, one of New Zealands leading researchers will open the day with a presentation for all on 'Collaboration and Innovation in Schools - who what, when, where and why.

Four 45 minute presentation times will follow this with 13 - 14 offerings in each session time.

Please see BLS if you are interested.

Wellbeing tip

As we are in what is a busy part of the term for many people, take the time to stop and talk to someone, ask them how their day is going and be present in the conversation. You might not only have a positive effect on somebody else's day, but also your own.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Term 1 - Week 8 - ODD Week

E tūtaki ana ngā kapua o te rangi kei runga te Mangōroa e kopae pu ana

The clouds in the sky close over, but above them spreads the Milky Way

'Look on the bright side'

Week 8
20 Maehe - 24 Maehe (ODD)

Staff Learning Walk - Mon 20 (p1)

Rutherford's Den Visit - Yr9 Science - Mon 20 - Fri 24

11DRA Assessment - Tue 21 - Thu 23

Canty Triathlon - Tue 21

Summer Sports end - Wed 22

Peer Support - P5 - Thu 23

12GEO Trip - Wed 22 - Fri 24

Dragon Boating - SI Champs - Lake Hood - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Touch - SI Champs - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Water Polo - SI Champs - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Volleyball - NZ Champs - Sun 26
Week 8
27 Maehe - 31 Maehe (EVEN)

Summer Tournament Week - Mon 27 - Fri 31

13BUS - Regional Enterprise Day - Tue 28

Cycling - NZ School MTB Champs - Mon 27 - Wed 29

Rowing - Maadi Cup - Mon 27 - Sun 2

Sailing - SISS Sunburst Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 31

Tennis - NZ Champs - Mon 27 - Thurs 30

Volleyball - NZ Champs - Mon 27 - Fri 31

Water Polo - Sth Island - Mon 27 - Wed 29

Rugby - School 7s - Tue 28 - Wed 29

Triathalon - NZ Champs - Thurs 30 - Fri 31

Athletics - Sth Island Champs - Fri 31 - Sun 2





Tues 21: Learning Area

Thurs 23rd: New Staff in Library. Re Learning support at CGHS.

SADA meetings: Thurs 23 - Fri 24

Tues 28: Staff Meeting

Thank you

Apart from a small internet glitch with Liz's Google and Moodle session (i.e. no internet....), our first Professional Learning morning appeared to go well. A big thank you to Liz, Adrienne, Sylvia and Tina for running the sessions on offer. We all appreciate the time and effort you have put in.

As part of the next steps planning, can you please take the time to give us feedback at

Graphic Organizers: Ditch that Textbook. (Link to Resources found here)

Google Docs has a variety of shareable resources that are readily available for you to make a copy of and add to your own drive.
Google drawing is a way to use many of the paper graphic organizers that you may have used in the past. The advantage of using different organizers in Google drawing is that you are able to get students to collaborate on the one document which is easily viewable by you as the teacher. For example - creating a timeline or using a Fishbone planner around advantages and disadvantages.
A great set of resources, editable Graphic Organizers, have been created by 'Ditch that Textbook' to use directly with your classes. Great for higher order thinking activities with your BYOD classes.

Professional Development

1. If you have an interest in ILE and would like to different ways of delivering the curriculum then you may be interested in attending the Grow Waitaha hui to be held at Rolleston College.

2. Middle leaders - if you would like to contribute to research on Middle leaders in NZ schools, there is a survey that you could contribute to: 
It takes about 5 mins to complete.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Term 1 / Week 07 - EVEN Week

Ko te kai rapu, ko ia te kite

He who seeks will find

Don’t sit back, have a go and experience it

Week 7
13 Maehe - 17 Maehe (EVEN)

13GRA Bealey Trip - Mon 13 - Tue 14

NZCT Cricket Qualifying Tournament - Tue 14 - Wed 15

PD Late Start - Thu 16 (School starts at 9.50 for students)

Peer Support - Thu 16

Rowing Pre-Maadi Camp - Fri 17 - Sun 19

Volleyball  - Canty Champs - Fri 17 - Sun 19

Week 8
20 Maehe - 24 Maehe (ODD)

Rutherford's Den Visit - Yr9 Science - Mon 20 - Fri 24

11DRA Assessment - Tue 21 - Thu 23

Canty Triathlon - Tue 21

Summer Sports end - Wed 22

Peer Support - P5 - Thu 23

12GEO Trip - Wed 22 - Fri 24

Dragon Boating - SI Champs - Lake Hood - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Touch - SI Champs - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Water Polo - SI Champs - Sat 25 - Sun 26

Volleyball - NZ Champs - Sun 26





Tues 14: Learning and Teaching

Thurs 16: PLD Late start morning (8.30 - 9.45)

Thurs 16: New Staff to CGHS - Library at 3.30pm

Tues 21: Learning Area

New differentiation and grouping feature added in Google Classroom
This is a new feature and has helped solve one of the drawbacks of Classroom because it allows you to assign work to individual students and small groups. You can check off which students need to get the assignment — any number of students, from one to all but one in your class.
After it’s assigned, when you click to grade the assignment, only those students assigned to that assignment will show up. The assignment will only be displayed to students to whom it is assigned.
You can either watch this  Screencast tutorial   that guides you through the whole process OR follow written instructions below.

How it works:
1. Open Google Classroom and go to a class. Click the “+” button in the bottom right corner and click “Create assignment”.
2. You’ll see a drop-down menu that says “All students” next to the name of the class you’re assigning to. That’s where this feature comes in … click it!
3. If you want to select a smaller group of students than your entire class to assign to, uncheck “All
4. Add your assignment. (Remember to do the instructions part. If any students are absent or when they return to an assignment later, they’ll be lost without them.) Then click “Assign.” (There are also options to schedule it or save it as a draft with the drop-down triangle button next to “Assign”.)
5. Your assignment is now assigned to the particular group you selected. Later, when marking (click on the “Done” or “Not done” area), only the students you assigned it to are displayed.
So, what can you do with it? Well, it opens opportunities to set group activities - assign an activity to an individual group. Then, all the group members are all together in one place. You won’t have to check and double check who is in which group OR providing extra practice if some students are struggling and could use some extra work (or some suggested sites for practice) simply assign it just to those students OR differentiate an activity by creating two, three or four versions of it. A more basic version of the activity has less steps, less detail or less rigour and so on. Assign as needed OR if you have a set of activities students will do over days or weeks, keep assignments simple by assigning just the one that group is working on. So, for example, if students will rotate through four different activities, assign one group just activity #2 until they’re done with it. Then assign them the next one. The “reuse post” feature will make this quick and easy once you’ve assigned all the activities once.

From MWL

Heads Up:

1. CGHS is bringing back the walk-throughs for new staff only. This gives staff a chance to get a broader picture of the culture here at school, enabling them to reflect upon what they have seen and how this may impact their own teaching. This will happen on Monday 20 March during period 1. Please be supportive of this Professional Learning Experience. If you class has an assessment on during this time please let BLS know.

2. Academic Colours Assembly: This will be combined with our Easter Assembly on Thursday 13th April during period 4.

Late Start Options for Thursday

Link to sign up to your option is:

A reminder again that there is no period 1 on Thursday 16th, school will start with period 2 at 9.50. Each session will start at 8.30. If you are not here on this day, please let BLS know.

Late start options to choose from are:

1. ‘Who’s the Driver?’ The whys and hows of student - staff collaboration. (DXS) Room: A207

2. Moodle and Google - for new staff, and those who want time to work on existing spaces in these domains (MWL)
This session is designed to show staff how our Moodle site - Onstream - can be used collaboratively with students. We will look at different activities within Moodle and how Google Classroom or docs can be used (and linked to your Onstream courses). While this is designed with our new staff in mind, others who want a refresher, or time to work on their Onstream course or Google Classroom, are also very welcome. Room: Library with own computer

3. Pastoral Systems at CGHS - Teacher collaboration on ideas of possible programs - Establishing a CGHS Graduate profile - what do we want our students to look like when they leave school. (HAT) Room: 219

4. Teaching as Inquiry - establishing the next cycle, finding staff needs and establishing the question. Collaborating on best practice (BLS)
This session will allow teachers to discuss the outcomes of their TAI and share best practice. We will look at different ways to use data, establish a focussing question and start looking ahead to the next TAI cycle beginning in Term 2. Room:218

5. The Māori learner in our school (TRA)
In this session we will learn some basic Māori language and tikanga concepts that may be woven into classroom programmes. We will also briefly investigate the visions and principles of ‘Ka Hikitia - The Māori education strategy’  as we explore the Māori learner in our school. Room:Te Rongopai

And finally - something as a teacher to reflect upon.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Term 1 / Week 06 - ODD Week

Tama tu, tama ora, tama moe, tama mate

He who stands, lives,
he who sleeps, dies

Activity brings well-being and inactivity sickness

Week 6
6 Maehe - 10 Maehe (ODD)

12Bio Trip - Temple Basin - Mon 6 - Fri 10

11Geo Trip - Queenstown - Tues 7 - Thurs 9

Athletics - Canterbury Champs - Tues 7

13CHE Internal - P5 - Wed 8

Peer Support - P3 - Thu 9

Rowing - SISS Champs, Twizel - Fri 10 - Sun 12

Athletics - Canterbury Champs Finals - Sat 11

Week 7
13 Maehe - 17 Maehe (EVEN)

11CLS trip - Mon 13 (from break 1 to end of day)

13GRA Bealey Trip - Mon 13 - Tue 14

NZCT Cricket Qualifying Tournament - Tue 14 - Wed 15

PD Late Start - Thu 16

Peer Support - Thu 16

Rowing Pre-Maadi Camp - Fri 17 - Sun 19

Volleyball  - Canty Champs - Fri 17 - Sun 19


Fri 10: Period 4 - Full School Assembly in Gym 



Tues 7: Learning Area Pedagogy. 

Tues 14: Learning and Teaching

Thurs 16: PLD Late start morning (8.30 - 9.45)

Professional Learning and Development Late Start Options:

Our first late start morning for the year is to be held on Thurs 16th March. A letter is being sent home to parents letting them know that school will begin at 9.50 that morning with their period 2 class.

We have a number of options available that link to our school focus for 2017. Some of these sessions can be repeated on another late morning depending on staff need.

Go to to make your selection. If you are not here that morning can you please let BLS know.

1.‘Who’s the Driver?’ The whys and hows of student - staff collaboration. 

2. Moodle and Google - for new staff, and those who want time to work on existing spaces in these domains. This session is designed to show staff how our Moodle site - Onstream - can be used collaboratively with students. We will look at different activities within Moodle and how Google Classroom or docs can be used (and linked to your Onstream courses). While this is designed with our new staff in mind, others who want a refresher, or time to work on their Onstream course or Google Classroom, are also very welcome. 

3. Pastoral Systems at CGHS: Establishing a CGHS Graduate profile - what do we want our students to look like when they leave school.

4. Teaching as Inquiry - This session will allow teachers to discuss the outcomes of their TAI and share best practice. We will look at different ways to use data, establish a focusing question and start looking ahead to the next TAI cycle beginning in Term 2.

5. Use of Te Reo and what it is like to be a Maori Learner at CGHS.

Thank You

Another successful Athletics Day! Thanks for all your help making sure everything has run smoothly today. The Girls' all seemed to enjoy themselves.