Thursday 31 August 2017

Week 7 - Term 3 - ODD

Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua.

There is more than one way to achieve an objective.

Week 7
4 Hepetema - 8 Hepetema

12DRA Assessments - Mon 4 - Wed 6

Winter Tournament Week

Basketball - SS Tournament - all week

Football - NZ - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

Hockey - NZ (1st + 2nd XI) - All week

Netball South Island Champs - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

CGHS Cycling Team South Island 2 Day Tour - Returns Mon 4.

10DIT EPIC Centre Visit Event - Mon 4

13DRA Assessment - All Day - Thurs 7 - Fri 8

Rugby NZ Champs - Thurs 7 - Sun 10

Week 8
11 Hepetema - 15 Hepetema

11/12/13 Music Performance - All week

Maori Language Week - All Week\

CGHS Concert St Mary's - Wed 13

Senior Examinations begin - Fri 15

Swimming - NZ Champs - Fri 15 - Sun 17

Ski & Snowboard SSIS Champs - Sat 16 - Sun 17

Wed 6 - p4 - Year 9 and 10 Wellbeing Assembly

Mon 11 Sept: Formtime Yr 11 - 13 - Examination Information

Tues 5: Learning and Teaching


Mon 11: Optional Staff meeting discussion re form classes for 2018

Tues 12: Department

Staff Information:

1. Thanks to all the work for those staff who are going away on Tournament week. A lot of effort goes on behind the scenes, so looking forward to hearing all the successes.

Also a big thank you to all the staff who helped out to make sure that LipSync was a successful evening from making your classes available for practice at lunchtime, to ushering, judging and coming along to support them in the evening. A special thank-you to LJ for making her first LipSync run so smoothly. As the House Prefects said on the evening - "you were their rock that helped them get through".

2. Google Tips for those who use Media  - you might want to explore Google trends - . Find out what is trending online.

Another Google tool that you might find useful is Tour Builder -

Tour Builder integrates with Google Earth. You are able to pick a series of locations on a map, and create a 'trip'. At each place that you choose as a destination, you are able to add in photos, text and video about each place.
This could be useful for those who are going on school overseas trips, where students could create a tour of their progress. Other possibilities include mapping tours by others, as seen in books, movies, and explaining each section as you go. Great for students to create their own and share their 'virtual' journeys' with you.

An example of Jane Goodall and her life can be seen HERE

3. For those of you who read blogs - You might find EduWells interesting. His latest blog post is titled "Teachers can change but and schools?".

4. The last month has seen workshops around New Zealand, where the new Digital Technologies Curriculum (Draft) to allow for consultation around 'why' we need one and it's expectations for schools moving forward.
Although many of the questions we wanted answered as a school as to - where to from here, there are conversations our school will need to have when it unpicks the statement "a digitally capable learner at the end of their compulsory Digital Technologies education in year 10" (p.8) 2020 is the year that this curriculum document needs to be implemented in all schools.
If you want to know more about computational thinking there is an article by Prof. Tim Bell which might be of interest:

5. Speed Sharing for writing: If you have students in your classes who are reluctant to share what they have written, have a look at the article that outlines how this particular activity works in any classroom. Students are allocated a time slot, and a small number of students to present their writing to.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Week 6 - Term 3 - EVEN

He waka eke noa
A canoe which we are all in with no exception

Week 6
28 Akuhata - 1 Hepetema 

Te Kura Examinations (Spanish and Japanese)

LEFs due this week

11DRA Assessments - Tue 29 - Thurs 31

Gifted and Talented Year 10 Group - Wed 30

Last Day to withdraw students from external examinations - Wed 30

Visual Arts PD days  - Thurs 31 - Fri 1

Community of Practice (COP) at Haeata campus - Thurs 31

12 Drama Assessment - Fri 1

13 Drama Assessment (Tournament) Fri 1

Basketball SS tournament - Sat 2 - Sun 3

CGHS Cycling team - Sat 2 - Sun 3

Sports/Art/Cultural Photo sign up sheet to be completed - Fri 1
See Sign Up Doc

Week 7
4 Hepetema - 8 Hepetema

12DRA Assessments - Mon 4 - Wed 6

Winter Tournament Week

Basketball - SS Tournament - all week

Football - NZ - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

Hockey - NZ (1st + 2nd XI) - All week

Netball South Island Champs - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

CGHS Cycling Team South Island 2 Day Tour - Returns Mon 4.

10DIT EPIC Centre Visit Event - Mon 4

13DRA Assessment - All Day - Thurs 7 - Fri 8

Rugby NZ Champs - Thurs 7 - Sun 10



Tues 29: No Meeting - Lip Sync


Tues 29: No Meeting - Lip Sync

Information and Professional Learning for Staff

1. Quizlet Diagrams: I just received an email letting me know that Quizlet now has interactive diagrams. This is great for visual learners, who are able to see pictures and label accordingly. Some great examples for Science, Social Science and Language teachers all ready to go!
Discover Diagrams

2. For Google Suite users: If you would like to share an easy-to-copy preview of any document with your students, you are able to create the url using the 'share' option on any document. Once you have that link,  replace /edit at the end of the url with /template/preview.

When a student or another teacher goes to look at the document, a 'Use Template' button will appear. Clicking on the document makes a copy of the original document and will be saved into the persons Google Drive. It allows people to look at the resource and decide whether it is useful before the link is clicked.

An example can be found at: Magnetic Poetry

3. Universal Design for Learning(UDL): One of the Late Start options this week was taken by Pauline (GHP) on UDL. UDL is defined as 'is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn'. (

Pauline has shared the presentation HERE and has included lots of links to videos and resources that you could use.

If you want to know more about what UDL - watch the introductory video below.

There are a number of sites that have collated resources that can be used by teachers that encompass UDL principals - for example 'UDLtechtoolkit'

4. Creative Commons: And finally just a reminder where to go and find out more information around Creative Commons and where to make your sharing diagrams - visit:

Video from

Thursday 17 August 2017

Term 3 - Week 5 - ODD

Week 5
21 Akuhata - 25 Akuhata 

Subject Choice Afternoon - Mon 21

Canterbury Secondary School's Duathalon - Mon 21

PD - Late Start morning - Tues 22

(please sign up below)

13TOU trip - Wed 23 - Fri 25

May Campbell Anderson Essay - Wed 23

Winter Sports End - Wed 23

Year 9 and 10 Cantamath - Wed 23

Canterbury Ski Champs - Thurs 24

National Big Sing - Auckland - Thurs 24 - Sat 26

13PHY Investigation 1 - 4pm Fri 25

Equestrian- Canterbury - Sat 26

Week 5
28 Akuhata - 1 Hepetema 

Te Kura Examinations (Spanish and Japanese)

LEFs due this week

11DRA Assessments - Tue 29 - Thurs 31

Gifted and Talented Year 10 Group - Wed 30

Last Day to withdraw students from external examinations - Wed 30

Visual Arts PD days  - Thurs 31 - Fri 1

Community of Practice (COP) at Haeata campus - Thurs 31

12 Drama Assessment - Fri 1

13 Drama Assessment (Tournament) Fri 1

Basketball SS tournament - Sat 2 - Sun 3

CGHS Cycling team - Sat 2 - Sun 3

Sports/Art/Cultural Photo sign up sheet to be completed - Fri 1
See Sign Up Doc



Tues 22 - Staff Meeting

This is around the use of Creative Commons.


Tues 29: No Meeting - Lip Sync

Information for Staff:

1. The Holocaust survivor, Peter Gaspar, is speaking Period 3,Thursday 31 August  in the staffroom to a selection of students and classes.

2.Core Educations 10 trends are available to look through:

The first trend covered is around Learner Agency which helps CGHS to reaffirm how our end of year change in program aligns with changes in Education. Monday saw the first session with our outside Facilitators from Cyclone and the group of staff help make some decisions about how the end of year program might look. Liz will outline the outcomes of this day at staff meeting on Tuesday.

"Learner agency is about having the power, combined with choices, to take meaningful action and see the results of your decisions. It can be thought of as a catalyst for change or transformation. Within a school context, Learner Agency is about shifting the ownership of learning from teachers to students, enabling students to have the understanding, ability, and opportunity to be part of the learning design and to take action to intervene in the learning process, to affect outcomes and become powerful lifelong learners." (Core Ed 2017)

3. If you are looking for Educational readings linked to your inquiry, Wiley Education Journals - have given free access to a number of articles until October 1.

4. Late start options - If you haven't signed up yet, please do so HERE

Please let BLS know if you are not available on the Tuesday morning.

a. Intro to Code. Look into what coding could look like across the curriculum. Unplugged or plugged. This session is run by Arnika from Cyclone (Room S4)

b. This session is where a selection of locally based and national secondary cross-curricular programmes/projects will be presented. This is an opportunity for the wider staff to hear about the research being undertaken to inform our end of year Junior Curriculum project. (Staffroom)

c. Using Growth Mindset and Digital Technology to encourage Learner Agency - this is a theory and tools based session with time to explore different options. (Room T119)

d. Teaching as Inquiry - this session is where staff will be working on their own inquiry in one space, with a chance to ask questions and share ideas with their colleagues on a needs basis - basically dedicated time to work on that back story that you might not have had a chance to do yet. (Room 219 - Bring Laptops)

e.  Universal Design for Learning - a chance to find out what this is and how it can help differentiate your lessons. (Room 218 - Bring Laptops)

5. If you want a bit of a laugh it was very interesting to watch the 'documentary' about early schooling in the 1950's. I particularly liked the dramatization of the small child at 7 mins, acting out something in her own life.

Thursday 10 August 2017

Term 3 - Week 4 - EVEN

Kia mau ki te tokanga nui a noho
There is no place like home

Week 4
14 Akuhata - 18 Akuhata 

Extended Form time - Course Selection - Mon 14

10 DIT EPIC Trip - Mon 14

Voices of Canterbury Pop's - Tues 15 - Thurs 17

Junior Alison Harper - Tues 15

Ski & Snowboard Canterbury - Tues 15

Cycling - Litolff/Dawe Cups - Wed 16

Week 5
21 Akuhata - 25 Akuhata 

Maths Week

Subject Choice Afternoon - Mon 21

Canterbury Secondary School's Duathalon - Mon 21

PD - Late Start morning - Tues 22
(please sign up below)

13TOU trip - Wed 23 - Fri 25

May Campbell Anderson Essay - Wed 23

Winter Sports End - Wed 23

Year 9 and 10 Cantamath - Wed 23

National Big Sing - Auckland - Thurs 24 - Sat 26

13PHY Investigation 1 - 4pm Fri 25

Equestrian- Canterbury - Sat 26




Tues 15 - Student Support


Tues 22 - Staff Meeting
This is around the use of Creative Commons.

Staff Information and Professional Development

1. We have two late starts left for the year. The next one to be held is on Tuesday 22 August. We have a number of different options running this time, please go to the Google Form to sign up for one below. If you are not going to be here on the Tuesday morning can you please let BLS know.

You can choose your options here:

Late start options

a. Intro to Code. Look into what coding could look like across the curriculum. Unplugged or plugged. This session is run by Arnika from Cyclone

b. This session is where a selection of locally based and national secondary cross-curricular programmes/projects will be presented. This is an opportunity for the wider staff to hear about the research being undertaken to inform our end of year Junior Curriculum project. 

c. Using Growth Mindset and Digital Technology to encourage Learner Agency - this is a theory and tools based session with time to explore different options.

d. Teaching as Inquiry - this session is where staff will be working on their own inquiry in one space, with a chance to ask questions and share ideas with their colleagues on a needs basis - basically dedicated time to work on that back story that you might not have had a chance to do yet.

e.  Universal Design for Learning - a chance to find out what this is and how it can help differentiate your lessons.

2. Grow Waitaha: Liz, Sylvia and Michelle have continued to work on their inquiry via their Learning Areas. Last term we had a team from Grow Waitaha come in and interview all three of them, as well as a few of our wonderful students. They have all done a fabulous job representing our school.

Part one of the 3 part series is below - you can check out the other 2 videos here and here.

If you want to test your own knowledge about personalised learning you might want to take the quiz at the link below:
What do you know about personalised learning?

3. Staff were also offered the chance to attend the next Grow Waitaha gathering of Secondary Educators at Haeata at the end of August. We have 8 staff taking up the offer to have a look at the new school.

Also on at the same time is the student exhibition of their kaupapa in Kōrepo with the theme of 'Inside, Outside, Upside-down'. It will be great to hear their thoughts around this new teaching environment.

4. The Digital Licence
Google have enabled all Y8 and 9 NZ students to have access to complete the Digital Licence for free until the end of this year (usually AUD$10 per user).
We have decided to take up this opportunity for our Year 9 students and Sandy will manage this through Health. 

The Digital Licence is a very comprehensive online cyber safety resource. It is focusing on digital reputation, online safety and digital wellbeing. By placing students in real life scenarios they get to explore and develop tools and strategies to remain safe online. There are 8 key topics that students work through and then take a quiz at the end of each, requiring an 80% pass rate, for which they receive a Licence at the end.

If you would like to take a look, or perhaps take the sample quiz, click here .

5. And finally - Office 365 Essentials - a good graphic to remind yourselves of what Microsoft Office has as part of its suite.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Term 3 - Week 3 - ODD

Titiro whakamuri, Kokiri whakamua
Look back and reflect so you can move forward

Week 3
Akuhata - 11 Akuhata 

Geography Week 

Navi Outdoors Visit - Mon 7 - Fri 11
(Farewell ceremony for this group - afterschool Friday 11 in staffroom, all welcome)

Quad Tournament at Avonside - Mon 7 - Tues 8

Yang Jin Visit - Mon 7 - Wed 9 mornings only

Senior Speech Competition - Tues 8 p4

Year 12 Health - Love Me Not Health Seminar - Tues 8

Southern Jam - Wed 9 - Sat 12

12PHY Investigation - Fri 11 (1-4pm)

Aerobics - Regional NZCAF - Sat 12

Year 12 Formal (PTA) - Sat 12

Week 4
14 Akuhata - 18 Akuhata 

Extended Form time - Course Selection - Mon 14

10 DIT EPIC Trip - Mon 14

Voices of Canterbury Pop's - Tues 15 - Thurs 17

Junior Alison Harper - Tues 15

Ski & Snowboard Canterbury - Tues 15

Cycling - Litolff/Dawe Cups - Wed 16




Mon 7 - CGHS Staff Wellbeing Survey Feedback - Staffroom at 3.20pm. Optional for interested staff.
Tues 8 - Departments


Tues 15 - Student Support

Staff Information and Professional Development

1. The staff wellbeing group will be presenting a summary of feedback from the survey that was completed in Term 2. This is an optional additional meeting which all staff are welcome to attend.
A big thank you for all the additional hours the wellbeing group have put into collating staff feedback.

There were 72 responses from staff in total. The graph below shows the response to the question "Staff have a strong sense of belonging within their departments". Further information will also be shared with staff at the meeting with an opportunity to discuss where to from here.

2. Heads Up: On Monday 14 August, there will be an extended form time to hand out information to students around course selection. This will mean that period 1 and 2 will be shortened by 5 minutes.
We will also hold the Subject Choice afternoon on Monday 21 August, with the same format that has been used in previous years - which means that Monday will run with Wednesday times for classes. 

3. "In today's world, any learner in school without access to comprehensive digital technologies education will not have the same opportunities as those who do." (New Zealand's Digital Future - 2017 Manifesto led by InternetNZ, ITP, and NZTech)

A Post Graduate course is being offered by the SIGNAL ICT Graduate school to support current and future Digital Technologies teachers deliver the Computer Programming and Computer Science aspects of the New Zealand Curriculum. If you want to find out more go to

4. Google Team Drives: At L&T meeting on Tuesday, Liz shared information around 'Team Drives'. When you open Google Drive now, you will see a new icon.
Liz (MWL) has created a document with further information around what a Team Drive is, and how you could use this feature in your Learning Area. Check out here summary HERE.
HOLAs have been asked to explore the use with Learning Areas as a cloud based alternative to I:Drive.

And something to watch....

Why Finland has the best Education - Michael Moore.