Thursday 17 August 2017

Term 3 - Week 5 - ODD

Week 5
21 Akuhata - 25 Akuhata 

Subject Choice Afternoon - Mon 21

Canterbury Secondary School's Duathalon - Mon 21

PD - Late Start morning - Tues 22

(please sign up below)

13TOU trip - Wed 23 - Fri 25

May Campbell Anderson Essay - Wed 23

Winter Sports End - Wed 23

Year 9 and 10 Cantamath - Wed 23

Canterbury Ski Champs - Thurs 24

National Big Sing - Auckland - Thurs 24 - Sat 26

13PHY Investigation 1 - 4pm Fri 25

Equestrian- Canterbury - Sat 26

Week 5
28 Akuhata - 1 Hepetema 

Te Kura Examinations (Spanish and Japanese)

LEFs due this week

11DRA Assessments - Tue 29 - Thurs 31

Gifted and Talented Year 10 Group - Wed 30

Last Day to withdraw students from external examinations - Wed 30

Visual Arts PD days  - Thurs 31 - Fri 1

Community of Practice (COP) at Haeata campus - Thurs 31

12 Drama Assessment - Fri 1

13 Drama Assessment (Tournament) Fri 1

Basketball SS tournament - Sat 2 - Sun 3

CGHS Cycling team - Sat 2 - Sun 3

Sports/Art/Cultural Photo sign up sheet to be completed - Fri 1
See Sign Up Doc



Tues 22 - Staff Meeting

This is around the use of Creative Commons.


Tues 29: No Meeting - Lip Sync

Information for Staff:

1. The Holocaust survivor, Peter Gaspar, is speaking Period 3,Thursday 31 August  in the staffroom to a selection of students and classes.

2.Core Educations 10 trends are available to look through:

The first trend covered is around Learner Agency which helps CGHS to reaffirm how our end of year change in program aligns with changes in Education. Monday saw the first session with our outside Facilitators from Cyclone and the group of staff help make some decisions about how the end of year program might look. Liz will outline the outcomes of this day at staff meeting on Tuesday.

"Learner agency is about having the power, combined with choices, to take meaningful action and see the results of your decisions. It can be thought of as a catalyst for change or transformation. Within a school context, Learner Agency is about shifting the ownership of learning from teachers to students, enabling students to have the understanding, ability, and opportunity to be part of the learning design and to take action to intervene in the learning process, to affect outcomes and become powerful lifelong learners." (Core Ed 2017)

3. If you are looking for Educational readings linked to your inquiry, Wiley Education Journals - have given free access to a number of articles until October 1.

4. Late start options - If you haven't signed up yet, please do so HERE

Please let BLS know if you are not available on the Tuesday morning.

a. Intro to Code. Look into what coding could look like across the curriculum. Unplugged or plugged. This session is run by Arnika from Cyclone (Room S4)

b. This session is where a selection of locally based and national secondary cross-curricular programmes/projects will be presented. This is an opportunity for the wider staff to hear about the research being undertaken to inform our end of year Junior Curriculum project. (Staffroom)

c. Using Growth Mindset and Digital Technology to encourage Learner Agency - this is a theory and tools based session with time to explore different options. (Room T119)

d. Teaching as Inquiry - this session is where staff will be working on their own inquiry in one space, with a chance to ask questions and share ideas with their colleagues on a needs basis - basically dedicated time to work on that back story that you might not have had a chance to do yet. (Room 219 - Bring Laptops)

e.  Universal Design for Learning - a chance to find out what this is and how it can help differentiate your lessons. (Room 218 - Bring Laptops)

5. If you want a bit of a laugh it was very interesting to watch the 'documentary' about early schooling in the 1950's. I particularly liked the dramatization of the small child at 7 mins, acting out something in her own life.

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