Thursday 31 August 2017

Week 7 - Term 3 - ODD

Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua.

There is more than one way to achieve an objective.

Week 7
4 Hepetema - 8 Hepetema

12DRA Assessments - Mon 4 - Wed 6

Winter Tournament Week

Basketball - SS Tournament - all week

Football - NZ - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

Hockey - NZ (1st + 2nd XI) - All week

Netball South Island Champs - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

CGHS Cycling Team South Island 2 Day Tour - Returns Mon 4.

10DIT EPIC Centre Visit Event - Mon 4

13DRA Assessment - All Day - Thurs 7 - Fri 8

Rugby NZ Champs - Thurs 7 - Sun 10

Week 8
11 Hepetema - 15 Hepetema

11/12/13 Music Performance - All week

Maori Language Week - All Week\

CGHS Concert St Mary's - Wed 13

Senior Examinations begin - Fri 15

Swimming - NZ Champs - Fri 15 - Sun 17

Ski & Snowboard SSIS Champs - Sat 16 - Sun 17

Wed 6 - p4 - Year 9 and 10 Wellbeing Assembly

Mon 11 Sept: Formtime Yr 11 - 13 - Examination Information

Tues 5: Learning and Teaching


Mon 11: Optional Staff meeting discussion re form classes for 2018

Tues 12: Department

Staff Information:

1. Thanks to all the work for those staff who are going away on Tournament week. A lot of effort goes on behind the scenes, so looking forward to hearing all the successes.

Also a big thank you to all the staff who helped out to make sure that LipSync was a successful evening from making your classes available for practice at lunchtime, to ushering, judging and coming along to support them in the evening. A special thank-you to LJ for making her first LipSync run so smoothly. As the House Prefects said on the evening - "you were their rock that helped them get through".

2. Google Tips for those who use Media  - you might want to explore Google trends - . Find out what is trending online.

Another Google tool that you might find useful is Tour Builder -

Tour Builder integrates with Google Earth. You are able to pick a series of locations on a map, and create a 'trip'. At each place that you choose as a destination, you are able to add in photos, text and video about each place.
This could be useful for those who are going on school overseas trips, where students could create a tour of their progress. Other possibilities include mapping tours by others, as seen in books, movies, and explaining each section as you go. Great for students to create their own and share their 'virtual' journeys' with you.

An example of Jane Goodall and her life can be seen HERE

3. For those of you who read blogs - You might find EduWells interesting. His latest blog post is titled "Teachers can change but and schools?".

4. The last month has seen workshops around New Zealand, where the new Digital Technologies Curriculum (Draft) to allow for consultation around 'why' we need one and it's expectations for schools moving forward.
Although many of the questions we wanted answered as a school as to - where to from here, there are conversations our school will need to have when it unpicks the statement "a digitally capable learner at the end of their compulsory Digital Technologies education in year 10" (p.8) 2020 is the year that this curriculum document needs to be implemented in all schools.
If you want to know more about computational thinking there is an article by Prof. Tim Bell which might be of interest:

5. Speed Sharing for writing: If you have students in your classes who are reluctant to share what they have written, have a look at the article that outlines how this particular activity works in any classroom. Students are allocated a time slot, and a small number of students to present their writing to.

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