Thursday 7 September 2017

Week 8 - Term 4 - EVEN

Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau 
Tihei Mauri Ora

The Parrot cries
The Mutton cries 
and I too cry
Behold the breath of life
Week 8
11 Hepetema - 15 Hepetema

11/12/13 Music Performance - All week

Maori Language Week/ Te Wiki o te Reo Māori - All Week

CGHS Concert St Mary's - Wed 13

Senior Examinations begin - Fri 15

Swimming - NZ Champs - Fri 15 - Sun 17

Ski & Snowboard SSIS Champs - Sat 16 - Sun 17

Week 9
18 Hepetema - 22 Hepetema

Senior Exam week - All Week

Get 2 Go Challenge - Mon 18

Orchestra Festival - Wed 20

MCAT NZQA examination - Thurs 21

Junior Assembly p1 - Thurs 21

NZCAF Aerobics Championships - Sat 23 - Sun 24

New Entrant Testing - Sat 23

Mon 11 Sept: Formtime Yr 11 - 13 - Examination Information


Mon 11: Optional Staff meeting discussion re form classes for 2018

Tues 12: Department


No Meetings this week.

Information for Teachers

1. Maori Language Week/ Te Wiki o te Reo Māori: Next week is Maori Language Week and we will be running a series of activities and competitions to celebrate the use of Te reo. Each day there will be a daily quiz sent out by PWL.
(From Christchurch City Libraries)
  • Rahina/ Monday - Have a go at greeting your students in Te reo (see HERE for words and phrases you can use in your classroom) 
  • Ratu/ Tuesday - Staff Waiata 
  • Raapa/ Wednesday - Maori Language students out at interval and lunchtime asking questions in Te reo and if students or staff answer correctly they get a treat.
  • Rapare/ Thursday - TBC
  • Rāmere/ Friday - Shared kai for morning tea - it would be great to bring along something to share from each Learning area , this replaces the support staff/library/IT scheduled morning tea - they are happy to move to Friday 22nd - so that means we have a morning tea scheduled for the next 3 Friday's. 
There will also be a number of Te reo sayings available in the staffroom to collect and put up in classrooms.

Next week for our senior students will be all about revision heading into our School Examinations. It would be great if we can avoid the term 'Mock', as this conveys the idea that these grades may not count.  As these are our derived grade examinations in some cases they do count, as we all know from last year, they can also count on a very large scale.
Our wonderful group of PCT (Provisionally Certified) teachers met and discussed different ways that we could revise with students - both senior and junior. We have collated our small sample of ideas in Google Slides.

3. A couple of blog posts that have come into by emails this week might be of interest to some of you. The first is from Claire Amos, who has been the Deputy Principal at Hobsonville Point High School in Auckland, one of the first big open plan schools.
She talks about how from this experience, there will be a new Urban High School opening up in Auckland next year focusing on STEAM education. As part of this Blog post, she gives an overview of what their timetable will look like. Worth a read to find out what is happening on the New Zealand Education landscape.

The second post was related why learning and teaching has changed, and are we making sure our students are getting the skills they need for now and in the future. The Post can be found here.

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