Thursday 3 August 2017

Term 3 - Week 3 - ODD

Titiro whakamuri, Kokiri whakamua
Look back and reflect so you can move forward

Week 3
Akuhata - 11 Akuhata 

Geography Week 

Navi Outdoors Visit - Mon 7 - Fri 11
(Farewell ceremony for this group - afterschool Friday 11 in staffroom, all welcome)

Quad Tournament at Avonside - Mon 7 - Tues 8

Yang Jin Visit - Mon 7 - Wed 9 mornings only

Senior Speech Competition - Tues 8 p4

Year 12 Health - Love Me Not Health Seminar - Tues 8

Southern Jam - Wed 9 - Sat 12

12PHY Investigation - Fri 11 (1-4pm)

Aerobics - Regional NZCAF - Sat 12

Year 12 Formal (PTA) - Sat 12

Week 4
14 Akuhata - 18 Akuhata 

Extended Form time - Course Selection - Mon 14

10 DIT EPIC Trip - Mon 14

Voices of Canterbury Pop's - Tues 15 - Thurs 17

Junior Alison Harper - Tues 15

Ski & Snowboard Canterbury - Tues 15

Cycling - Litolff/Dawe Cups - Wed 16




Mon 7 - CGHS Staff Wellbeing Survey Feedback - Staffroom at 3.20pm. Optional for interested staff.
Tues 8 - Departments


Tues 15 - Student Support

Staff Information and Professional Development

1. The staff wellbeing group will be presenting a summary of feedback from the survey that was completed in Term 2. This is an optional additional meeting which all staff are welcome to attend.
A big thank you for all the additional hours the wellbeing group have put into collating staff feedback.

There were 72 responses from staff in total. The graph below shows the response to the question "Staff have a strong sense of belonging within their departments". Further information will also be shared with staff at the meeting with an opportunity to discuss where to from here.

2. Heads Up: On Monday 14 August, there will be an extended form time to hand out information to students around course selection. This will mean that period 1 and 2 will be shortened by 5 minutes.
We will also hold the Subject Choice afternoon on Monday 21 August, with the same format that has been used in previous years - which means that Monday will run with Wednesday times for classes. 

3. "In today's world, any learner in school without access to comprehensive digital technologies education will not have the same opportunities as those who do." (New Zealand's Digital Future - 2017 Manifesto led by InternetNZ, ITP, and NZTech)

A Post Graduate course is being offered by the SIGNAL ICT Graduate school to support current and future Digital Technologies teachers deliver the Computer Programming and Computer Science aspects of the New Zealand Curriculum. If you want to find out more go to

4. Google Team Drives: At L&T meeting on Tuesday, Liz shared information around 'Team Drives'. When you open Google Drive now, you will see a new icon.
Liz (MWL) has created a document with further information around what a Team Drive is, and how you could use this feature in your Learning Area. Check out here summary HERE.
HOLAs have been asked to explore the use with Learning Areas as a cloud based alternative to I:Drive.

And something to watch....

Why Finland has the best Education - Michael Moore.

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