Thursday 24 August 2017

Week 6 - Term 3 - EVEN

He waka eke noa
A canoe which we are all in with no exception

Week 6
28 Akuhata - 1 Hepetema 

Te Kura Examinations (Spanish and Japanese)

LEFs due this week

11DRA Assessments - Tue 29 - Thurs 31

Gifted and Talented Year 10 Group - Wed 30

Last Day to withdraw students from external examinations - Wed 30

Visual Arts PD days  - Thurs 31 - Fri 1

Community of Practice (COP) at Haeata campus - Thurs 31

12 Drama Assessment - Fri 1

13 Drama Assessment (Tournament) Fri 1

Basketball SS tournament - Sat 2 - Sun 3

CGHS Cycling team - Sat 2 - Sun 3

Sports/Art/Cultural Photo sign up sheet to be completed - Fri 1
See Sign Up Doc

Week 7
4 Hepetema - 8 Hepetema

12DRA Assessments - Mon 4 - Wed 6

Winter Tournament Week

Basketball - SS Tournament - all week

Football - NZ - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

Hockey - NZ (1st + 2nd XI) - All week

Netball South Island Champs - Mon 4 - Thurs 7

CGHS Cycling Team South Island 2 Day Tour - Returns Mon 4.

10DIT EPIC Centre Visit Event - Mon 4

13DRA Assessment - All Day - Thurs 7 - Fri 8

Rugby NZ Champs - Thurs 7 - Sun 10



Tues 29: No Meeting - Lip Sync


Tues 29: No Meeting - Lip Sync

Information and Professional Learning for Staff

1. Quizlet Diagrams: I just received an email letting me know that Quizlet now has interactive diagrams. This is great for visual learners, who are able to see pictures and label accordingly. Some great examples for Science, Social Science and Language teachers all ready to go!
Discover Diagrams

2. For Google Suite users: If you would like to share an easy-to-copy preview of any document with your students, you are able to create the url using the 'share' option on any document. Once you have that link,  replace /edit at the end of the url with /template/preview.

When a student or another teacher goes to look at the document, a 'Use Template' button will appear. Clicking on the document makes a copy of the original document and will be saved into the persons Google Drive. It allows people to look at the resource and decide whether it is useful before the link is clicked.

An example can be found at: Magnetic Poetry

3. Universal Design for Learning(UDL): One of the Late Start options this week was taken by Pauline (GHP) on UDL. UDL is defined as 'is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn'. (

Pauline has shared the presentation HERE and has included lots of links to videos and resources that you could use.

If you want to know more about what UDL - watch the introductory video below.

There are a number of sites that have collated resources that can be used by teachers that encompass UDL principals - for example 'UDLtechtoolkit'

4. Creative Commons: And finally just a reminder where to go and find out more information around Creative Commons and where to make your sharing diagrams - visit:

Video from

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