Wednesday 1 August 2018

Week 3 - Term 3 - 2018

Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua.
There is more than one way to achieve an objective

Week 3
 6 Ākuhata - 10 Ākuhata

Late Start - Mon 6 Please sign up if you have not done so. Rooms for each session below.

English Classes in PAC throughout the day as move is made into Level 4.

School Gala Production (Opening of the PAC) Tues 7 and Wed 8 - 7pm start.

Vivianne Spiegel, Holocaust survivor speaking to invited classes in PAC - p2, Tues 7

Southern Jam - Wed 8 - Sun 12

12PHY Investigation from 1 - 4pm - Thurs 9

Australian Maths Competition p 1 & 2 - Thurs 9

Mufti Day - Thurs 9

Senior Speech Competitions p4 - Thurs 9

12TOU trip - Fri 10

Week 4
 13 Ākuhata - 17 Ākuhata

Voices of Canterbury Pop Choir - Tues 14 - Fri 17

Junior Alison Harper - Tues 14 p 3 and 4

Ski & Snowboard Canterbury Champs - Tues 14

Cycling - Litoff/Dawe Cups - Wed 15

Parent Portal Open for Subject choices - Wed 15

CGHS Film Festival - 4pm Thurs 16

Year 11 Formal - Sat 18

Duathalon - Sun 19

Assembly - WED

House Assemblies 

Sheppard- PAC courtyard outside reception
Selwyn- PAC
Connon - Gym ( English block end)
Harper - G5
Rolleston - Gym (carpark end)
Deans- Staffroom

Assembly - WED

Year 13 - PAC


Learning Area - Tues


Student Support - Tues

Information for Staff

1. Late Start - Mon 6 August. The focus for this late start is a return to eLearning and our end of year junior program. Please select using the LINK, one of the following options.

a. Use of Clickview and ETV:  T119

b. Games for Learning: S2 (bring laptop)

c. The use of Team Drive and Google Sites: S1 

d. Google Tourbuilder and Google Expeditions: S4 (bring laptop)

e. End of year Curriculum: S3 

2. OECD Position Paper has now been released on their vision regarding "The Future of Education and Skills: Education 2030."

3. Student Subject Choice for 2019: The introduction for subject choices for 2019 will be in Ako time in week 4, for year 9 to 12 students. More information to come. 
This is a heads up that the subject choice afternoon will run as in previous years on Monday 20 August.

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